Front cover image for A world of UFOs

A world of UFOs

UF0s are a truly global phenomenon. Although many of the best-known cases have taken place in North America, amazing stories of witnesses encounters with strange disc-shaped objects (and their occupants) have come from every corner of the globe
eBook, English, ©2008
Dundurn Press, Toronto [Ont.], ©2008
1 online resource (315 pages : illustrations
9781550028331, 9781770703438, 9781282815421, 9781459720510, 1550028332, 1770703438, 1282815423, 1459720512
Print version:
The five most famous UFO cases
The Roswell Crash
Barney and Betty Hill
The Rendlesham Forest incident
The Tehran incident
The Phoenix lights
The five most bizarre UFO cases
The Kelly-Hopkinsville close encounter
Joe Simonton's pancakes
The Tully saucer nests
Antonio Villas-Boas
The Manhattan abductions
The five most interesting UFO cases
Father Gill
The Belgian triangles
Trindade Island
Travis Walton
The Giant Yukon saucer
So Continental
Australia and Oceania
North and South America
The Arctic and Antarctic
The unexplained
UFOs from A to Z
If you see a UFO
Where to look for more information
Last words