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" In proportion as they faded away and went out, several stars and planets appeared one after another, until the whole firmament was in a glow. The blueness of the ether was exceedingly heightened and enlivened by the season of the year, and by the rays... "
The Spectator [by J. Addison and others] with sketches of the lives of the ... - Page 172
by Spectator The - 1853
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The English Reader: Or, Pieces in Prose and Poetry, Selected from the Best ...

Lindley Murray - Rare books - 1830 - 238 pages
...heightened and t, enlivened, by the season of the year, and the rays of all those ' luminaries that passed through it. The galaxy appeared in its most beautiful white. To complete the scone, the full moon rose, at length, in that clouded majesty, which Milton takes notice of; and opened...
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Chambers's Cyclopędia of English Literature: A History ..., Volumes 3-4

Robert Chambers - American literature - 1830 - 844 pages
...exceedingly heightened and enlivened by the season of the year, and by the rayrf of all those luminaries that s self, and Epictetus old, This fell abyss had completo Ше scene, the full moon ķ 08 j at length in that clouded majesty which Milton takes nonce...
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Instructive and Entertaining Lessons for Youth: With Rules for Reading with ...

Noah Webster - Readers - 1835 - 270 pages
...most beautiful white. 2. To complete the scene, the full moon rose at length in unclouded majesty, and opened to the eye a new picture of nature, which...softer lights, than that which the sun had before disclosed to us. 3. As I was surveying the moon, walking in her brightness, »nd proceeding among the...
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The Saturday Magazine, Volumes 6-7

1835 - 538 pages
...exceedingly heightened and enlivened by the season of the year, and by the rays of all those luminaries that passed through it. The galaxy appeared in its most...beautiful white. To complete the scene, the full moon roseat length in that clouded majesty which Milton takes notice of, and opened to the eye a new piorure...
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The English Reader: Or, Pieces in Prose and Verse, from the Best Writers ...

Lindley Murray - Readers - 1836 - 264 pages
...exceedingly heightened and enlivened, by the season of the year, and the rays of all those luminaries that passed through it. The galaxy appeared in its most...majesty, which Milton takes notice of; and opened 10 the eye a new picture of nature, which was more finely shaded, and disposed among softer lights,...
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The English Reader, Or, Pieces in Prose and Verse: From the Best Writers ...

Lindley Murray - Readers - 1836 - 264 pages
...exceedingly heightened' and enlivened, by the season of the year, and the rays of .ill1 those luminaries that passed through it. The galaxy appeared in its most...full moon rose, at length, in that clouded majesty, whiclMilton takes notice of; and opened to the eye a new picture of nature, which was more finely shaded,...
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The English Reader, Or Pieces in Prose and Poetry ...

Lindley Murray - 1837 - 276 pages
...exceedingly heightened and enlivened, by the season of the year, and the rays of all those luminaries that passed through it. The galaxy appeared in its most beautiful white. To complete the scene, the fnli moon rose, at length, in that clouded mnjesty, which Milton takes notice of; and opened to the...
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The English Reader; Or Pieces in Prose and Poetry Selected from the Best ...

Lindley Murray - Readers - 1839 - 276 pages
...exceedingly heightened and enlivened, by the season of the year, and the rays of all those luminaries that passed through it. The galaxy appeared in its'w picture of nature, which was more finely shaded, ami disposed among softer lights than that which the sun had be* tote discovered to iw As I was snrveying...
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The English Reader: Or Pieces in Prose and Poetry Selected from the Best ...

Lindley Murray - Elocution - 1840 - 270 pages
...heightened and enlivened, by the season of the year, and the rays of all those luminaries that. jpassed through it. The galaxy appeared in its most beautiful...complete the scene, the full moon rose, at length, in thai clouded majesty, which Milton takes notice of; and opened to the eye a new picture of nature,...
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The English Reader; Or, Pieces in Prose and Verse, from the Best Writers ...

Lindley Murray - Readers - 1842 - 264 pages
...exceedingly heightened and enlivened, by the season of the year, and the rays of all those luminaries that passed through it. The galaxy appeared in its most...lights, than that which the sun had before discovered to me. 3 As I was surveying the moon walking in her brightness, and taking her progress among the constellations,...
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