| Sir Richard Phillips - Electricity - 1807 - 212 pages
...at the other,. and the power applied hetween them. Here the power must exceed the weight, in thesame proportion as the distance of the weight from the...Illustration. Let F fig. 11, be the prop or fulcrum, P Ihe power and W the weight; if the distance PF, beonly three indies, and WF be 12, then for the hand... | |
| William Nicholson - Natural history - 1809 - 704 pages
...power and the weight, the intensity of the power must exceed the intensity of the weight just as much as the distance of the weight from the prop exceeds the distance of the power. Thus, let E, tig. 4, be the prop of the lever EF, and W, a weight of one pound, placed three times... | |
| William Duane - English language - 1810 - 776 pages
...*£/с, a brass instrument nieisurc angles, either saliant or renit, lor exactly ascertaining the jtumr . of the weight from the prop exceeds the distance of the power from the prop. As this kind oi lever is disadvantageous to the moving power, it is seldom used. Wheel... | |
| James Ferguson - Astronomy - 1814 - 420 pages
...the weight, the intensity of the power must exceed the intensity of the weight, just as many times as the distance of the weight from the prop exceeds the distance of the power from it. Thus, let E be the prop of the lever JIB, and W a weight of i pound, placed times as far from... | |
| Jeremiah Joyce - Science - 1815 - 268 pages
...consequence of that ? Charles. That the power must be greater lhan the weight, and as much greater as the distance of the weight from the prop exceeds the distance of the power from it, that is, to balance a weight of three pounds at A, there will require the exertion of a power... | |
| Jeremiah Joyce - Science - 1815 - 388 pages
...the consequence of that ? Charles. That the power must be greater than the weight and as much greater as the distance of the weight from the prop exceeds the distance of the power from it, that is, to balance a weight of three pounds at A, there will require the exertion of a power... | |
| Alexander Jamieson - Natural history - 1821 - 448 pages
...the power and the weight, the intensity of the power must exceed the intensity of the weight as much as the distance of the weight from the prop exceeds the distance of the power. A ladder, raised by the strength of a man's arms, repreThe wheels in a clock, and in watch-work, are... | |
| William Nicholson - Natural history - 1821 - 406 pages
...power and the weight, the intensity of the power must exceed the intensity of the weight just as much as the distance of the weight from the prop exceeds the distance of the power. Thus, let E, fig 4, be the prop of the le\er EF. and \V a weight of one pound, placed three times as... | |
| John Imison - Art - 1822 - 528 pages
...power and the weight, the intensity of the power must exceed the intensity of the weight just as much as the distance of the weight from the prop exceeds the distance of the power. Thus, let E (fig. 9.) be the prop of the lever EF, and W a weight of one pound, placed three times... | |
| Sir Richard Phillips - Physics - 1826 - 254 pages
...oars, rudders of ships, doors turning on hinges, and cutting knives which are fixed af one end. 71 . A lever of the third kind is when the prop is at one...from the prop, exceeds the distance of the power. niiu.1. Let/fig.lO,be the prop or fulcrum, p the power, and w the weight; if the distance pf be only... | |
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