| Andrew Jackson Davis - Spiritualism - 1852 - 250 pages
...sweet dream of peace, And saw, within the moonlight of hie room, Making it rich, and like a lily bloom, An angel writing in a book of gold. Exceeding peace had made BEN-ADHEM bold : And to the vision in the room he said — ' What writest thou ?' The vision raised... | |
| Andrew Jackson Davis - Spiritualism - 1852 - 236 pages
...sweet dream of peace, And saw, within the moonlight of his room, Making it rich, and like a lily bloom, An angel writing in a book of gold. Exceeding peace had made BEN-ADHEM bold : And to the vision in the room he said — ' What writcst thou ?' The vision raised... | |
| 1852 - 348 pages
...like a lily in bloom, An angel writing in a hook of gold. Exceeding peace had made Ben Adhem hold, And to the presence in the room he said, ' What writest thou ?' The vision rais'd his head, And with a look made all of sweet accord, Answer'd, 'The names nf those... | |
| Education - 1856 - 396 pages
...dream of peace, And saw within the moonlight of hia room, Making it rich and like a lily in bloom, An angel writing in a book of gold. ' Exceeding peace had made Den Adhem bold, And to the presence in the room, he said, "What writest thou ?" The vision raised its... | |
| H. C. Foster - English poetry - 1853 - 378 pages
...dream of peace, And saw, within the moonlight in his room, Making it rich, and like a lily in bloom, An angel, writing in a book of gold : Exceeding peace...presence in the room he said, " What writest thou ? " The vision raised his head, And, with a look made of all sweet accord, Answered, " The names of... | |
| Poets, American - 1853 - 560 pages
...dream of peace, And saw, within the moonlight in his room, Making it rich, and like a lily in bloom, An Angel, writing in a book of gold : — Exceeding...presence in the room he said, "What writest thou?" — The vision raised its head, And, with a look made of all sweet accord, Answered, " The names of... | |
| Ezra Stiles Gannett - Funeral sermons - 1853 - 66 pages
...dream of peace, And saw within the moonlight in his room, Making it rich and like a lily in bloom, An angel writing in a book of gold. Exceeding peace...presence in the room he said, " What writest thou?" The vision raised its head, And, with a look made all of sweet accord, Answered " The names of those... | |
| Education - 1853 - 522 pages
...Exceeding peace had made Ben Adem bold ; And to the presence in the room he said, 'What writest thou? ' The vision raised its head, And with a look made all of sweet accord, Replied, ' The names of those who love the Lord.' 'And is mine one? ' said Abou. ' Nay, not so,' lleplied... | |
| Education - 1853 - 410 pages
...deep dream of peace, And saw within the moonlight of his room, Making it rich, and like a lily bloom, An angel writing in a book of gold. Exceeding peace had made Ben Adem bold ; And to the presence in the room he said, 'What writest thou? ' The vision raised its head,... | |
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