| Richard Hurd - Antichrist - 1773 - 236 pages
...difpenfation of religion, different from that, which he [/'] Matth. xxiii. i£. [i.] Behold, the days come, faith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant...houfe of Judah, not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers — but this fhall be my cove* nant that I will make with the houfe of Ifrael.... | |
| Richard Watson - Apologetics - 1776 - 314 pages
...exprefs, that he who runs may read it: The language of the old Teftament is this ; Behold, the days. come, faith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the houfe of Ifrael, and with the houfe cf Ju~ dah; not according to the covenant that 1 made with their fathers, in the the day that I took... | |
| John Wesley - Biography - 1783 - 796 pages
...been found for a fecond, but finding fault with this, he fays. Behold the day is come, when I tvill make a new covenant with the houfe of Ifrael and with the houfe of jfudak, not according to the covenant which I made with their fathers, when I took them, by the hand... | |
| John Cave (glover.) - 1781 - 164 pages
...home to the Believer's Soul, and God's Promife is made good to him, which faith, ** Behold the Days come, faith the Lord, that I will make -a new Covenant with the Houfe of Jacob, or Ifrael, (God's believing Church) and with the Houfe of Judab (all that are Heirs of God by... | |
| William Penn - Society of Friends - 1782 - 498 pages
...fpeaking by that prophet of the gofpel, or new covenant time, fays, " Behold, the days come that I " will make a new covenant with the houfe of Ifrael,...fathers, in the day " that I took them by the hand, to bring them out " of the land of Egypt (which my covenant they brake, " although 1 was an hufband unto... | |
| William Penn - Society of Friends - 1782 - 514 pages
...he will certainly be avenged; which is the fubftance of that ftrange opinion.] 5. " Behold the days come, faith the Lord, that I " will make a new covenant with the houfe of Ifrael ;. " I will put my law in their inward parts ; I will for" give their iniquity, and I will remember... | |
| William Penn - Society of Friends - 1782 - 506 pages
...and mercy, is the great motive or reafon, of that loving invitation to return !] 5. " Behold the days come, faith the Lord, that I " will make a new covenant with the houfe of Ifracl ; " 1 will put my law in their inward parts; I will for" give their iniquity, and I will remember... | |
| John Muirhead - Covenant theology - 1782 - 706 pages
...by Jeremiah, " Behold, the days come, faith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the houfc of Ifrael, and with the houfe of Judah : Not according to the covenant that 1 made with their fathers, in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of... | |
| John Muirhead - Covenant theology - 1782 - 708 pages
...*' Behold, the days come, faith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the houle of Jfrael, and with the houfe of Judah : Not according to the covenant that 1 made with their Fathers, in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of... | |
| Richard Watson (bp. of Llandaff) - 1785 - 534 pages
...ihall be taught of God £." Jeremiah alfo prophecies of the days of the dofpel § : " Behold the days come, faith the Lord, that I will •-' make a new covenant with the houfe of Ifrael, and with the " houfc of Judah : not according to the covenant that 1 made with " their fathers, in the day I took... | |
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