| Charles Dexter Cleveland - English literature - 1860 - 766 pages
...whatever it is, I hold myself proportionably indebted to him from whose enlightened understanding another ray of knowledge communicates to mine. But neither...improvement of them, a subject of gratitude to my fellow-creature, if I w.ere not satisfied, that really to inform the understanding corrects and enlarges... | |
| Charles Dexter Cleveland - English literature - 1860 - 778 pages
...whatever it is, I hold myself proportionably indebted to him from whose enlightened understanding another ray of knowledge communicates to mine. But neither should I think the most exalted fac.ilties of the huuvaiv VI of the divinity ; nor any assistance, in the improvement of them, a subject... | |
| Richard Perry - Australia - 1861 - 378 pages
...whatever it is, I hold myself proportionably indebted to him, from whose enlightened understanding another ray of knowledge communicates to mine. But neither...should I think the most exalted faculties of the human 1nind, a gift worthy of the divinity ; nor any assistance, in the improvement of them, a subject of... | |
| Charles Dexter Cleveland - English literature - 1865 - 784 pages
...whatever it is, I hold myself proportionally indebted to him from whose enlightened understanding another ray of knowledge communicates to mine. But neither should I think the most exalted fac.\lties of the human mind a gift worthy of the divinity; nor any assistance, in the improvement... | |
| Joel Moody - Great Britain - 1872 - 340 pages
...whatever it is, I hold myself proportionally indebted to him from whose enlightened understanding another ray of knowledge communicates to mine. But neither...the improvement of them a subject of gratitude to my fellow-creatures, if I were not satisfied that really to inform the understanding corrects and enlarges... | |
| Joel Moody - 1872 - 334 pages
...whatever it is, I hold myself proportionally indebted to him from whose enlightened understanding another ray of knowledge communicates to mine. But neither...the improvement of them a subject of gratitude to my fellow-creatures, if I were not satisfied that really to inform the understanding corrects and enlarges... | |
| Charles Dexter Cleveland - English literature - 1872 - 786 pages
...it is, I hold myself proportion:ib!v .ndebted to him from whose enlightened understanding anotb« i ray of knowledge communicates to mine. But neither should I think the most exalted fac.\lties of the human mind a gift worthy of the divinity; nor any assistance, in the improvement... | |
| National Conference of Unitarian and Other Christian Churches - 1876 - 912 pages
...highly lifts up the intellect most truly expands the heart. " Neither should I think," says Junius, " the most exalted faculties of the human mind a gift worthy of the divinity, nor any improvement in the exercise of them a subject of gratitude to my fellow-creatures, if I were not satisfied... | |
| Junius - Great Britain - 1882 - 438 pages
...whatever it is, I hold myself proportionably indebted to him from whose enlightened understanding smother ray of knowledge communicates to mine. But neither...improvement of them a subject of gratitude to my fellow creature, if I were not satisfied, that, really, to inform the understanding, corrects and enlarges... | |
| Junius - Great Britain - 1890 - 544 pages
...whatever it is, I hold myself proportionably indebted to him, from whose enlightened understanding another ray of knowledge communicates to mine. But neither...the improvement of them a subject of gratitude to my fellow-creature, if I were not satisfied, that really to inform the understanding correct* and enlarge*... | |
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