| English poetry - 1780 - 226 pages
...Comfort came down t!he trembling wretch to raiftj And his laft faltering -accents whifper'd praife. At church, with meek and unaffected grace, His looks...the venerable place; Truth from his lips prevail'd tvith double fwayj And fools who came to feoff, remain'd to prajr; The fervice paft, around the pious... | |
| John Scott, John Hoole - English poetry - 1785 - 544 pages
...makes the crimes and errors of the poor, a pretence to juftify the indulgence of its own parfimony. — At church with meek and unaffected grace, His looks...place ; Truth from his lips prevail'd with double fway, And fools who came to feoff, remain'd to pray. The fervice paft, around the pious man, With fteady... | |
| 1785 - 304 pages
...wretch to raife, And his laft fault'ring accents whifper'd praife. At church, with meek and unaffefted grace, His looks adorn'd the venerable place ; Truth from his lips prevail'd with double fway. And fools, who catne to feoff, remain'd to pray. The fervice paft, around the pious man, With... | |
| William Enfield - Elocution - 1785 - 460 pages
...wretch to raife, And his laft fauhering accents whifper'd praife. At church, with meek and unaffefted grace, His looks adorn'd the venerable place ; Truth from his lips prevail'd with double fway, And fools who came to feoff, remain'd to pray. The fervice paft, around the pious man, With ready... | |
| William Scott - Elocution - 1789 - 416 pages
...wretch to raife; And his lalt falt'ring accents whii'per'd praife. At church, with meek and unaffe&ed grace, His looks adorn'd the venerable place ; Truth from his lips prevail'd with double fway, And fools, who came to feoff, remain'd to pray. The fervice paft, around the pious man, With... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - English poetry - 1791 - 964 pages
...the trembling wretch to raife, And his laft fault'ring accents whilper'd praifc. At church, with mctk er young : The jolly god in triumph comes ; Sound the trumpets, beat the fvvar ; And fools, who came to feoff, remain'd to pray. The fervice paft, around the pious man, With... | |
| Oliver Goldsmith - 1791 - 206 pages
...wretch to raife, And his laft fault'ring accents whifper'd praife. At church, with meek and unaftefted grace* His looks adorn'd the venerable- place ; Truth from his lips prevail'd with double fway, And fools, who came to feoff, remain'd to pray. The fervice paft, around the pious man, With... | |
| 1792 - 112 pages
...Comfort came down the trembling wretch to raife, And his laft fault'ring accents whifper'd praife. AT church, with meek and unaffected grace, His looks...venerable place; Truth from his lips prevail'd with double fway, And fools, who came to feoff, remain'd to pray. The fervice paft , around the pious man , With... | |
| James Roach - English poetry - 1792 - 284 pages
...raife, And his lafl fault'ring accents whifper'd praife. At chureh, with meek and unnaffe£led gracei His looks adorn'd the venerable place ; Truth from his lips prevail'd with double fway, And fool?, wfco came to feoff, remain'd to pray*i ' The fervice pafl, around the pious man, "With... | |
| Jacques Delille - French literature - 1800 - 286 pages
...Comfort came down thf trembling wretch to raise, « And his last fault'ring accents whisper'd praise. « At church, with meek and unaffected grace, « His...« The service past, around the pious man, « With ready zeal , each honest rustic ran : <s E'en chidren follow'd with endearing wile, « And pluck'd... | |
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