| Nathan Daboll - Arithmetic - 1843 - 254 pages
...dollar per pound, what will 11lb. raisins come to ? Ans. $J PROBLEM VI. To divide a Whole Number by a fraction. RULE. Multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fraction, and divide the product by the numerator. EXAMPLES. 1. How many times is f of a dollar contained in $9 ?... | |
| Arithmetic - 1843 - 142 pages
...Reduce to integers f «-, \±*-, ±tf, -WS *,Y, ^ff*. to mixed numbers YJ ^l^ta?a, YsS "VsS V**II. To reduce a mixed number to an improper fraction. RULE. Multiply the integer by the denominator, taking in the numerator, and place the denominator below it. NOTE. An integer... | |
| Charles WATERHOUSE - Arithmetic - 1844 - 228 pages
...other continually, for a common denominator, which ii but another method of the preceding. 5. To ndwx a mixed number to an improper fraction, RULE. —...the whole number by the denominator of the fraction, to the product add the numerator of the fraction ; this sum, placed over the given denominator, will... | |
| Benjamin Greenleaf - Arithmetic - 1844 - 208 pages
...fifths, which should be expressed -jT3 thus, ^. And this fraction, by definition —5 2d, on page 76, is an improper fraction. RULE. Multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fraction, and to the product add the numerator, and pla'ce their sum over the denominator of the fraction. 7. Redoce... | |
| Benjamin Greenleaf - Arithmetic - 1844 - 204 pages
...there being ^-, each man will receive 5 times -fa = ^ Ans. Hence we see the propriety of the following RULE. Multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fraction, and write the product under the numerator. 2. Divide ^ by 12. Ans. 3. Divide \\ by 8. Ans. 4. Divide £... | |
| Charles Haynes Haswell - Engineering - 1844 - 298 pages
...Mixed and improper fractions are the same; thus, 5J= U1. for illustration, see following examples : RULE.— Multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fraction, and to the product add the numerator; then set that sum above the denominator. EXAMPLE.— Reduce 23| to... | |
| William Watson (of Beverley.) - 1845 - 188 pages
...proper terms. Ans. 6. Reduce *// to its proper terms. Ans. 7. Reduce T^3T6 to its proper terms. Ans. . To reduce a mixed number to an improper fraction....whole number by the denominator of the fraction, and to the product add the numerator ; under which place the denominator. EXAMPLE. 1. Reduce 5\ to an improper... | |
| Charles Waterhouse - Arithmetic - 1844 - 230 pages
...into each other continually, for a common denominator which i* out another method of the preceding. 5. To reduce a mixed number to an improper fraction....— Multiply the whole number by the denominator of th« fraction, to the product add the numerator of the fraction ; this mim, placed over the given denominator,... | |
| James Cornwell - 1878 - 386 pages
...and five sixths in '$ ; or " = 4f. ... . b ac b ac + b General formula. — a + - - — + — = 186. TO REDUCE A MIXED NUMBER TO AN IMPROPER FRACTION —...the whole number by the denominator of the fraction ; add the numerator, and place the denominator under the sum. EXERCISE LIV. 1$^' Reduce the following... | |
| Henry Evers - 1878 - 202 pages
...improper fraction to a whole or mixed number. To reduce a mixed number to an improper fraction. — Multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fraction, and add in the numerator ; this gives the numerator of the new fraction ; the denominator is the same as the... | |
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