Caesar carelessly but nod on him. He had a fever when he was in Spain, And, when the fit was on him, I did mark How he did shake: 'tis true, this god did shake ! His coward lips did from their colour fly ; And that same eye, whose bend doth awe the world,... Francis Bacon, Poet, Prophet, Philosopher, Versus Phantom Captain ... - Page 34by William Francis C. Wigston - 1891 - 436 pagesFull view - About this book
| William Shakespeare - 1786 - 508 pages
...mind, he fets itmour above life, Is not .bis natural ? JoHNSoN. If Caefar carelefsly but nod on him. He had a fever when he was in Spain, And, when the fit was on him, I did mark How he did fhake : 'tis true, this god did lhake : His coward lips did from their colour fly 9 ; And that fame... | |
| Andrew Becket - 1787 - 494 pages
...; and Caffius is A wretched creature, and muft bend his body, If Czefar carelefsly but nod on him. He had a fever when he was in Spain ; And, when the fit was on him, I did mark How he did fhake : 'tis true this god did make. Julius Gefar, A. I, S. 2.' — — By the gods, You mall digeft... | |
| William Scott - Elocution - 1789 - 416 pages
...creature, and muft bend his body ' If Csefar carelefsly but nod on him. Gg -P He had a fever w'.ien he was in Spain, And when the fit was on him, I did murk ] low he did fluke : 'tis true ; this god did fhake : His coward lips did from their colour fly... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1790 - 614 pages
...god j and Caffius is A wretched creature, and muft bend his body, If Cxfar carelefsly but nod on him. He had a fever when he was in Spain, And, when the fit was on him, I did mark How he did fliake : 'tis true, this god did (hake : His coward lips did from their colour fly ' ; And that fame... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1793 - 724 pages of Paradift Loji, as well as by Shakfpeare in the Third Part of King Htnry H, Aft V. fc. iii : He had a fever when he was in Spain, And, when the fit was on him, I did mark How he did (hake : 'tis true, this god did make : His coward lips did from their colour fly;6 And that fameeye,... | |
| Civil rights - 1795 - 432 pages
...; and Cassius is A wretched creature, and must bend his body, If Csesar carelessly but nod on him. He had a fever when he was in Spain, And when the...from their colour fly, And that same eye whose bend does awe the world, Did lose its lustre ; I did hear him groan : l Ay, and that tongue of his, that... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - English poetry - 1796 - 476 pages
...wretched creature, and muft bend his body, If Csefar carelefsly but nod on him. He had a fever when lie was in Spain ; And, when the fit was on him, I did mark How he did (hake : 'tis true, this god did lhake; His coward lips did from their colour fly ; And that lame eye,... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1797 - 638 pages
...god ; and Caffius is A wretched creature, and muft bend his body, ^ Caefar carelefsly but nod on him. He had a fever when he was in Spain, And, when the fit was on him, I did mark How he did fhake : 'tis true, this god did make : His coward lips did from their colour fty ; And that fame eye,... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1798 - 408 pages
...god ; and Caflius is A wretched creature, and muft bend his body, f Caefar carelcfsly but nod on him. had a fever when he was in Spain, And, when the fit was on him, I did mark he did fhake : 'tis true, this god did fhake : coward lips did from their colour fly ; And that fame... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1803 - 490 pages
...; and Cassius is A wretched creature, and must bend his body, If Caesar carelessly but nod on him. He had a fever when he was in Spain, And, when, Did lose his lustre : I did hear him groan : Ay, and that tongue of his, that bade the Romans Mark him, and write his speeches in their books,'... | |
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