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" Take, oh take those lips away, That so sweetly were forsworn; And those eyes, the break of day, Lights that do mislead the morn; But my kisses bring again, bring again, Seals of love, but seal'd in vain. "
Specimens of the early English poets [ed. by G. Ellis.]. To which is ... - Page 43
by English poets - 1801
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Erminia: A Poem

William Gill Thompson - 1821 - 62 pages
...Revenge, Act 5, Scene 1, " Ye powers, with what an eye she mends the day." Also, in Measure for Measure, " And those eyes, the break of day, " Lights that do mislead the morn." Note 4, page 19, When godlike Reason is at rest. " When monarch reason sleeps, the mimic wakes." I...
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The Plays of William Shakspeare, Volume 1

William Shakespeare - 1822 - 446 pages
...sitting ; a Roy singing. SONG. TWA*, oh take those lips away, That so sweetly were forsworn ; Jim? those eyes, the break of day, Lights that do mislead the morn : But my kisses bring again, bring again. Seals of love, but sedTd in vain, seaFd in vain. JUart-. Break off thy song, and haste...
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New Elegant Extracts: A Unique Selection from the Most Eminent ..., Volume 3

Richard Alfred Davenport - English literature - 1823 - 410 pages
...merrily ; Merrily, merrily shall I live now Under the blossom that hangs on the bough. SHAKSPEARE; SONG. TAKE, oh, take those lips away That so sweetly were...the morn : But my kisses bring again, Seals of love, but seal'd in vain ! Hide, oh, hide those hills of snow Which thy frozen bosom bears; On whose tops...
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New elegant extracts; a selection from the most eminent British ..., Volume 3

New elegant extracts - 1823 - 402 pages
...merrily shall I live now Under the blossom that hangs on the bough. SHAKSPEARE. vOL. III. KK SONG. TAKE, oh, take those lips away That so sweetly were...the morn : But my kisses bring again, Seals of love, but seal'd in vain ! Hide, oh, hide those hills of snow Which thy frozen bosom bears ; On whose tops...
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New Elegant Extracts: A Unique Selection from the Most Eminent ..., Volume 3

Richard Alfred Davenport - English literature - 1823 - 472 pages
...merrily shall I live now Under the blossom that hangs on the bough. SHAKSl'EARE. vOL. III. KK SONG. TAKE, oh, take those lips away That so sweetly were...the morn : But my kisses bring again, Seals of love, but seal'd in vain ! Hide, oh, hide those hills of snow Which thy frozen bosom bears ; On whose tops...
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The plays of William Shakspeare, pr. from the text of the ..., Volume 2

William Shakespeare - 1823 - 474 pages
...[Exit. ACT IV. SCENE I. — A Room in Mariana's House. MARIANA discovered sitting; a Boy singing. SONG. Take, oh take those lips away, That so sweetly were...that do mislead the morn : But my kisses bring again, bring again, Seals of love, but seal'd in vain, seal'd in vain. Maria. Break off thy song, and haste...
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The dramatic works of William Shakspeare, from the text of Johnson, Stevens ...

William Shakespeare - 1823 - 984 pages
...MARIANA discovered sitting; a BOY tinging. SONG. Take, oh take those li/is away, That so siceetly tcere forsworn ; And those eyes, the break of day, Lights that do mislead the morn: But my kisses I/ring again, bring again, Seals of lore, but seufd in rain, seal'd in tain. Mori. Break off thy song,...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare, in Ten Volumes: Measure for ...

William Shakespeare - 1823 - 322 pages
...SONG. TAKE, oh take those lips away,1 That so sweetly •mere forsworn ; And those eyes, the break nf day, Lights that do mislead the morn : But my kisses bring again, bring again, Seals of love, but seal'd in vain, seal'd in vain. [II This in part of a little song of...
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The Beauties of Shakespeare: Selected from Each Play : with a General Index ...

William Shakespeare, William Dodd - Fore-edge painting - 1824 - 428 pages
...Canst thou believe thy living is a life, So stinkingly depending? Go, mend, go, mend. ACT IV. SONG. Take, oh take, those lips away, That so sweetly were...the morn: But my kisses' bring again, Seals of love, tut seal'd in vain. Hide, oh hide, those hills of snow, Which thy frozen bosom bears, On whose tops...
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The Dramatic Works of Shakespeare, Part 1

William Shakespeare - 1824 - 380 pages
...IT. SCENE I. — A room in Mariana's house, MABI AS A discovered sitting ; a boy tinging. SONG. " " Take, oh take those lips away, That so sweetly were...that do mislead the morn ! But my kisses bring again, bring again. Seals of love, but seat 'din vain, seal 'din vain. Man'. Break off thy song, and haste...
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