| 1831 - 738 pages
...Work. By JAMES TROTTER, Teacher, Edinburgh. l-2mo. In the Prtjtt. ARITHMETIC AND BOOK-KBJCPINO. TH« PRINCIPLES of ARITHMETIC, and their Application to...illustrated by simple Rules and numerous Examples ; to which are prefixed, Tables of Monies, Weights, and Measures, according to the Imperial Standards.... | |
| Luis Josef Antonio McHenry - Spanish language - 1833 - 380 pages
...and variety of the Exercises, it may prove a useful auxiliary to Governesses and Private Families. THE PRINCIPLES of ARITHMETIC, and their Application...illustrated by simple Rules and numerous Examples : to which are pre6xed, Tables of Monies, Weights, and Measures, according to the Imperial Standards.... | |
| Publius Ovidius Naso - 1840 - 372 pages
...By the same Author. New Edition. Ilimo. Iid. sewed. rpHE PRINCIPLES of ARITHMETIC ; and thcir •*- Application to Business explained in a popular Manner,...ALExANDER INGRAM, Author of " A Concise System of Mathematies," &c. 23d Edition. 18mo. Price only One Shilling bound. " The arrangement is scicntifie,... | |
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...same Author. New Edition. 18mo. Gd. sewed. rjpHE PRINCIPLES of ARITHMETIC, and their Appli-* cation to Business explained in a popular Manner, and clearly...illustrated by simple Rules and numerous Examples. By ANDER IN GUAM, Author of " A Concise System of Mathematics," &c. 21st Edition. I8mo. Price only One... | |
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...Spectator. II. KEY to LESSONS in ARITHMETIC. By the same Author. New Edition. ISmo. (id. sewed. IIL nT HE PRINCIPLES of ARITHMETIC ; and their -*- Application...INGRAM, Author of " A Concise System of Mathematics," &c. 22d Edition. 18mo. Price only One Shilling bound. " No other initiatory book with which we are... | |
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...of Three." — Spectator. A KEY to LESSONS in ARITHMETIC. By the same Author. New Edition. 18mo. 6d. sewed. THE PRINCIPLES of ARITHMETIC, and their Application...INGRAM, Author of " A Concise System of Mathematics," &c. 23d Edition. 18mo. Price only One Shilling bound, •' No other initiatory book with which we are... | |
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...the matter. There are upwards of 200 Examples wrought out at length and minutely explained, Ingram'i Principles of Arithmetic, and their Application to...Illustrated by Simple Rules and Numerous Examples. Remodelled and greatly Enlarged, with Tables and Exercises on the Metric System. By ALEXANDER TBOTTEB,... | |
| Alexander Trotter (of the Scottish inst.) - 1855 - 346 pages
...SET of RULE» WRITING-BooKS, expressly adapted for this Work, is also to be had, price 1s. 6d. IX. The Principles of Arithmetic, And their Application to Business explained in a popular manner, uid clearly illustrated by short Rules and numerous Examples. By ALEXANDER INGRAM. 18mo, 108 pages•... | |
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...END. PKJNTED BY OLIVER AMD BOYO, EDINBURGH. WOEKS on WRITING, AEITHMETIO, & BOOK-KEEPING, Ingrain's Principles of Arithmetic And their Application to...Illustrated by Simple Rules and Numerous Examples. 42d Edition. Remodelled and greatly enlarged, inth Exercises on the proposed Dedmal Coinage, By ALEXANDER... | |
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...MARSHALL, AND Co. Remodelled and greatly Enlarged, with Exercises on the proposed Decimal Coinage. INGRAM'8 PRINCIPLES OF ARITHMETIC and their Application to...Illustrated by Simple Rules and Numerous Examples. For the Use of Schools. 42d Edition. By ALEXANDER TROTTER, •of the Scottish Institute. 18mo, 150... | |
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