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" When Kings and ministers are forgotten, when the force and direction of personal satire is no longer understood, and when measures are only felt in their remotest consequences, this book will, I believe, be found to contain principles worthy to be transmitted... "
A Critical Enquiry Regarding the Real Author of the Letters of Junius ...
by George Coventry - 1825 - 382 pages
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The Letters of Junius, Volume 1

Junius - Great Britain - 1821 - 234 pages
...strength or beauty they possess. When kings and ministers are forgotten, when the force and direction ol' personal satire is no longer understood, and when...principles worthy to be transmitted to posterity. When you leave the unimpaired hereditary freehold to your children, you do but half your duty. Both...
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The Letters of Junius: "Stat Nominis Umbra."

Junius - Great Britain - 1821 - 412 pages
...your care they have thriven. To you they are indehted for whatever strength or heanty they possess. When kings and ministers are forgotten, when the force...and when measures are only felt in their remotest conseqnences, this hook will, I helieve, he found to contain principles worthy to he transmitted to...
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The British Prose Writers...: Junius's letters

British prose literature - 1821 - 432 pages
...your care they have thriven : to you they are indebted for whatever strength or beanty they possess. When kings and ministers are forgotten, when the force...satire is no longer understood, and when measures areonlyfelt in their remotest consequences; this book will, I believe, be found to contain principles...
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The Letters of Junius

Junius - Great Britain - 1824 - 362 pages
...for whatever strength or heauty they possess. — '* When Kings and Ministers are forgotten, when 'S the force and direction of personal satire is no .^ longer understood, and when measures are only ~-)i felt in their remotest consequences, this hook will, I helieve, he found to contain principles...
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The Letters of Junius ...: Stat Nominis Umbra, Volume 1

Junius - Great Britain - 1827 - 226 pages
...indebted for whatsoever strength or beauty they possess. When kings and ministers are forgotten, « hen the force and direction of personal satire is no longer...principles worthy to be transmitted to posterity. When you leave the unimpaired hereditary freehold to your children, you do but half your duty. Both...
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The Posthumous Works of Junius: To which is Prefixed, an Inquiry Respecting ...

Junius - 1829 - 448 pages
...language, in his Diversions of Purley, which I will notice in this place. Junius says, " When k'ngs and ministers are forgotten, when the force and direction...principles worthy to be transmitted to posterity. When you leave the unimpaired hereditary freehold to your children, you do but half your duty. Both...
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Letters on Junius: Addressed to John Pickering, Esq., Showing that the ...

Isaac Newhall - 1831 - 376 pages whom these Letters were dtfeeted, with pride may unite with their author in the belief, that — 'When kings and ministers are forgotten, when the...principles worthy to be transmitted to posterity.' I cannot close these letters, Sir, without making my most sincere acknowledgments to you personally,...
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Contributions, Biographical, Literary, and Philosophical, to the ..., Volume 2

John Foster - 1844 - 548 pages
...only the principles of his work as the ground of his expectation. "When kings and ministers," he said, "are forgotten, when the force and direction of personal...satire is no longer understood, and when measures are felt only in their remotest consequences, this book, will, I believe, be found to contain principles...
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The Yale Literary Magazine, Volume 14, Issue 5

1849 - 50 pages
...fabric the longer we gaze upon, the greater is our admiration. The intrinsic ability of these Letters, their fine flow of language, their disclosure of public...principles worthy to be transmitted to posterity.'" From the consideration of the character of these Letters, and of the circumstances which called them...
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Junius: Including Letters by the Same Writer Under Other ..., Volume 1

Junius - 1850 - 504 pages
...your care they have thriven. To you they are indebted for what? ever strength or beauty they possess. When kings and ministers are forgotten, when the contain principles worthy to be transmitted to posteritj'. When you leave the unimpaired, hereditary freehold to your children, you do but half your...
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