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" When Kings and ministers are forgotten, when the force and direction of personal satire is no longer understood, and when measures are only felt in their remotest consequences, this book will, I believe, be found to contain principles worthy to be transmitted... "
A Critical Enquiry Regarding the Real Author of the Letters of Junius ...
by George Coventry - 1825 - 382 pages
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Junius, Volume 1

Junius - English letters - 1805 - 354 pages
...your care they have thriven. To you thjy are indebted for whatever strength or beauty they possess. When Kings and ministers are forgotten, when the force...felt in their remotest consequences, this book will, 1 believe, be found to contain principles worthy to be transmitted to posterity. When you leave the...
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The letters of Junius, Volume 1

Junius (pseud.) - 1806 - 320 pages
...strength or beauty they possess. When Kin<;s and Ministers are forgotten, when the force and diredtion of personal satire is no longer understood, and when...felt in their remotest consequences, this book will, L believe, be found to contain principles worthy to be transmitted to posterity. When you leave the...
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The Letters of Junius

Junius - Great Britain - 1807 - 336 pages
...indebted for whatever strength or beauty they possess. When Kings and Ministers are forgotten, whe» the force and direction of personal satire is no longer...principles worthy to be transmitted to posterity. When you leave the unimpaired hereditary freehold to your children, you do but half your duty. Both...
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Cobbett's Political Register, Volume 12

William Cobbett - Great Britain - 1807 - 544 pages
...English nation," Junius, lays, " when kings and ministers are forgotten, when the force and duration of personal satire is no longer understood, and when...found to contain principles worthy to be transmitted IB posterity." A ttle further. " Be assured that the, laws which prefect ui in our civil rights, grow...
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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register, Volume 12

Great Britain - 1807 - 548 pages
...nation," Junius, «ay«, " when kings and ministers are for•" gotten, when the force and duration of " personal satire is no longer understood, " and...believe, be found to contain principles " worthy to be {transmit ted tt> posterity." A little further. " Be assured that the laws '•' which protect U3 in...
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The Letters of Junius: Stat Nominis Umbra

Junius - English letters - 1807 - 468 pages
...for whatever strength or heanty they possess. When Kings and Ministers are foVgotten, when the foree and direction of personal satire is no longer understood, and when measures are only felt in i.licir remotest couseqnences, this hook will, I helieve, he found to coutain principles worthy to...
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The Letters of Junius

Junius - Great Britain - 1809 - 360 pages
...your care they have thriven. To you they are indebted for whatever strength; or beauty they possess. When kings and ministers are forgotten, when the force...believe*, be found to contain principles worthy to be tranimittea to posterity. When you leave the unimpaired hereditary freehold to your children, you do...
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The Letters of Junius, Volume 1

Junius - Great Britain - 1810 - 308 pages
...your care they have thriven. To you they are indebted for whatever strength or beauty they possess. When Kings and Ministers are forgotten, when the force...principles worthy to be transmitted to posterity. When you leave the unimpaired hereditary freehold to your children, you do but half your duty. Both...
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Junius: Stat nominis umbra

Junius - Great Britain - 1810 - 454 pages
...strength, or beauty, they possess. When kings and ministers a/pe forgotten, when the force and directioa of personal satire is no longer understood, and when, measures are only felt in their remotest TO Consequences, this book will, I believe, be found to contain principles worthy to be transmitted...
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Junius: Including Letters by the Same Writer, Under Other Signatures, (now ...

Junius - English letters - 1812 - 612 pages
...Your care they have thriven. To You they are indebted for whatever strength or beauty they possess. When Kings and Ministers are forgotten, when the force and direction of personal satire is no longer under* See Private Letters, No. 5. in which the author, shortly after his appearance before the public...
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