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" A man was hired 50 days on these conditions. — that, for every day he worked, he should receive $ '75, and, for every day he was idle, he should forfeit $ '25 ; at the expiration of the time, he received $ 27'50 ; how many days did he work... "
Arithmetic: In which the Principles of Operating by Numbers are Analytically ... - Page 246
by Daniel Adams - 1830 - 264 pages
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An Elementary Treatise on Algebra: For the Use of Students in High Schools ...

Thomas Sherwin - Algebra - 1841 - 314 pages
...for every day he was idle. At the end of the time agreed on, he received a balance of c shillings. How many days did he work, and how many was he idle ? 57. A gentleman gave some beggars a cents apiece and had 6 cents left ; but if he had given them...
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The elements of algebra

James Wood - Algebra - 1841 - 490 pages he works, and pays q pence for every day he is idle. At the end of the time he receives a pence. How many days did he work, and how many was he idle? nq+a np-a Ans. He worked - , and was idle — - , days. p+q p+q 3. Nine years ago A was three times...
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Welch's Improved American Arithmetic: Adapted to the Currency of the United ...

Arithmetic - 1841 - 200 pages
...wrought, and ~ forfeit $1 for every day he was idle; at the expiration of the time he received $50; how many days did he work, and how many was he idle? Ans. wrought 30 days. * 5. A. and B. laid out equal sums of money in trade; A. gained a sum equal to...
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Call's Decimal Arithmetic: On a New and Improved Plan Throughout, Comprising ...

Osman Call - Arithmetic - 1842 - 210 pages he wrought, and forfeit 10 d. for every day he was idle : now he received at last i£2 1 s. 8d. How many days did he work, and how many was he idle? Ans. He wrought 30 days, and was idle 10. 5. A gentleman has two horses of considerable value, and...
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Daboll's Complete Schoolmaster's Assistant Being a Plain Comprehensive ...

Nathan Daboll - Arithmetic - 1843 - 254 pages
...for every day he was idle he should pay $ ,30 ; and at the expiration of the time he received $31,80. How many days did he work and how many was he idle ? Ans. he worked 48 days, and was idle 22. 8. A farmer having driven his cattle to market received...
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Elements of Algebra: Embracing ... the Theory and Application of Logarithms ...

Davis Wasgatt Clark - 1844 - 400 pages
...+ b * , an-\-c by — ax=c and y= - — . J " a + b EXAMPLES. 1. If n=48, a==24, b~ 12, and c=504, how many days did he work, and how many was he idle 1 2. A labourer was hired for 75 days : for each day that he wrought he was to receive $3, but for...
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A Treatise on the Elements of Algebra

James Bryce - 1846 - 350 pages he works, and pays q pence for every day he is idle ; at the end of the time he receives a pence. How many days did he work, and how many was he idle ? a no — а Ans. -*-r — , and -3-; --- p+q p+q 58. A poulterer bought 15 ducks and 12 turkeys for...
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The Prussian Calculator: By which All Business Calculations are Performed by ...

Isaac A. Clark - Arithmetic - 1846 - 214 pages he was idle, he should forfeit 2 shillings. At the expiration of the time, he received £ 7 10 *. How many days did he work, and how many was he idle? (D. 191.) Ans. 45 he w. 15 days id. '§ As the number of days he worked or was idle is unknown, we...
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The Columbian Calculator: Being a Practical and Concise System of Decimal ...

Almon Ticknor - Arithmetic - 1846 - 274 pages
...every day he was idle, he should forfeit 37^ cents ; at the expiration of the time he received D18 ; how many days did he work, and how many was he idle ? Ans. worked 36 days, was idle 24 days. 9 Two persons, A. and B., have the same income ; A. saves...
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Elements of Algebra: Embracing Also the Theory and Application of Logarithms ...

Davis Wasgatt Clark - Algebra - 1846 - 374 pages
...become, x+y=n orx= bn — c by—ax=c and y= a+b an+c a+b EXAMPLES. 1. If »=48, o=24, b—12, and c=504, how many days did he work, and how many was he idle 1 2. A labourer was hired for 75 days : for each day that he wrought he was to receive $3, but for...
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