The Profession and Practice of Adult Education: An IntroductionJohn Wiley & Sons, 17. feb. 2011 - 396 sider The Profession and Practice of Adult Education is a timely book and an excellent introduction to the field. Drawing from an extensive volume of literature, it provides comprehensive coverage and a clear guide. Graduate students will benefit from it and practitioners will be kept abreast of changes that are occurring. --Peter Jarvis, professor of continuing education and senior research professor, University of Surrey, United Kingdom |
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... practice is that in so doing, we as adult educators can make a contribution to our field. This happens in several ... practice. A philosophical stance also contributes to the field in that it serves to unite theory and practice. In ...
... practice is that in so doing, we as adult educators can make a contribution to our field. This happens in several ... practice. A philosophical stance also contributes to the field in that it serves to unite theory and practice. In ...
... practices in education ( including adult education ) --such as behavioral objectives , accountability , competency - based curricula , instructional design models , and some program - planning and evaluation models - are behaviorist in ...
... practices in education ( including adult education ) --such as behavioral objectives , accountability , competency - based curricula , instructional design models , and some program - planning and evaluation models - are behaviorist in ...
Perspectives on the Past | |
Adult Education in Contemporary Society | |
The Organization and Delivery of Adult Education | |
The Adult Learner and Concepts of Learning | |
The Global Context of Adult Education | |
Comparative Studies | |
Examining Access and Opportunity | |
The Unacknowledged Side of Practice | |
Reframing Practice The Future of Adult Education | |
A Decade in Review and Trends for the Future | |
References | |
Name Index | |
Subject Index | |
Andre utgaver - Vis alle
The Profession and Practice of Adult Education: An Introduction Sharan B. Merriam,Ralph G. Brockett Ingen forhåndsvisning tilgjengelig - 2007 |
The Profession and Practice of Adult Education: An Introduction Sharan B. Merriam,Ralph G. Brockett Ingen forhåndsvisning tilgjengelig - 2011 |
Vanlige uttrykk og setninger
AAACE activities Adult and Continuing adult education field Adult Education Quarterly adult education’s adult learning African Americans American andragogy Apps argues Association for Adult Brockett Caffarella certification Cervero challenges chapter concepts content area context Continuing Education countries critical critical theory cultural Darkenwald defined Directions for Adult discussion distance education diversity education of adults emphasis ethical example experience experiential learning feminist pedagogy formal global goals groups Handbook of adult Hiemstra higher education Houle identify individual institutions issues Jossey-Bass knowledge base Knowles learners literacy literature mainstream major Malcolm Knowles mass media Mezirow Mulcrone nonformal education North America organizations pedagogy percent perspective philosophy practice of adult practitioners professional associations professionalization of adult reflection response role S. B. Merriam San Francisco self-directed learning situated cognition social change society Stubblefield theory Tisdell transformation transformational learning typologies understanding University women workplace York