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What They are Reading


These children are not merely read ing news-"Current Events." They are reading news that bears on their lessons, because NO OTHER KIND of news gets into The Little Chronicle.

That is one reason why teachers say: "There is more real education to the square inch of The Little Chron;cre than there is to the square foot of any text book on earth," Yet they also say: "My class can hardly wait, they are so anxious to see their papers." Two pretty hard characteristics to be found together.

But we don't substitute for the text books-we help the study of them. Send the pupils to the books for the answers to THEIR QUESTTIONS-questions which we make the news suggest.

We are glad to send samples-glad to give you a chance to try at our expense. Don't wonder how to do it or how much it will help you. Write us. We have a monograph on the subject which we will be glad to send.

HESE people in Costa Rica don't seem very much surprised that an earthquake should shake their railroad to pieces. Do you think the same thing may happen to the railroad running South from Cairo through Egypt? Look at your map.


Pontiac Building


Texas school journal

Texas. State Dept. of Education

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