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Providing by distress for tax in any


the collectors of the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and tenth wards of the said city, to retain in their hands, five cents on each dollar by them collected; and the collector of the ninth ward of the said city, to retain in his hands, six cents on each dollar by him collected, and no more, as a full compensation to each of the said collectors, respectively, for their trouble in collecting and paying to the said treasurer or chamberlain, the monies which shall be raised by virtue of this act.

IV. And be it further enacted, That if any person shall refuse or neglect to pay the sum or sums, at which his or her real or perpart of the ci sonal estate, in the city of New-York, shall at any time hereafter be taxed, the collector of such tax is hereby authorised and required, to levy the same by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the person who ought to pay the same, or of any goods and chattels in the possession of such person, wheresoever the same may be found in the said city.


tions of can the practice

didates lor

of physic and surgery.


AN ACT to amend an act entitled "an act to incorporate medical societies, for the purpose of regulating the practice of Physic and Surgery in this state.”

Passed April 20, 1818.

1. Be it enacted by the people of the state of New York, represented in senate and assembly, That no person shall, after the first day of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty one, be admitted to an examination as a candidate for the practice of physic and surgery in this state, unless he shall have previously studied medical science four years after the age of sixteen, with a regular physician and surgeon, but any portion of time not exceeding one year, during which, any person after the age of sixteen, shall have pursued any of the studies pursued in either of the colleges in this state, shall be accepted in lieu of an equal portion of time of the study of medical science, and if any person shall have attended one or more complete courses of medical lectures, delivered by each of the professors, on all the branches of medical science, in either of the medical colleges or institutions in this state or elsewhere, the same shall be accepted in lieu of one year spent in the study of medical Certificate science as aforesaid; and the person with whom the student shall required. commence his studies, shall file a certificate with the president of the board to which he belongs, certifying that the person hath commenced his studies with him; and the day of the filing of such certificate shall be the commencement of such term of study; and if the term of study shall be intended to be for less than four years, by reason that the person hath pursued the studies pursued in colleges as aforesaid, or that he hath attended lectures as aforesaid, then, on application to the said president, he shall on examining the matter, Order to be make an order annexed to the certificate aforesaid, purporting that it hath satisfactorily appeared to him, that the person hath pursued


the studies pursued in colleges as aforesaid, or that he hath attended one or more course of lectures as aforesaid, after he was 16 years of age,for such a period of time,not exceeding 1 year, as shall be specified in the order, and thereupon order that the term of study in such case, may be for a time which shall remain after deducting from four years the term so to be specified in the order: Provided always, that no person shall be licensed to practice physic and surgery, until he shall be of the age of twenty-one years.



be examined

II. And be it further enacted, That each and every student of Right af apmedicine, who shall present himself to the censors of either of the peal given to county medical societies of this state, for examination, and be found refused, but disqualified for the practice of physic and surgery, or either of them, they cannot shall not be allowed the privilege of an examination, before the cen- elsewhere, sors of any other county medical society, but shall in all cases wherein he thinks himself aggrieved, have the right to appeal to the censors of the state medical society, and that any licence obtained contrary to the provisions of this act shall be void.

till &c.

Censors to be

III. And be it further enacted, That the state medical society shall annually elect not more than twelve, nor less than six censors, elected. any three of whom shall be a quorum for the examination of students.



IV. And be it further enacted, That no physician or surgeon, Diploma res from any other state or country, shall be admitted to practice in this quired from state, until he shall have filed a copy of his diploma, from some col- from anothe lege of medicine, or legally incorporated medical society, with the county or, clerk of the county in which he may reside, agreeably to the twenty-first section of the act hereby amended, nor until he shall have exhibited to the medical society of the county where he resides, satisfactory evidence that he has regularly studied physic and surgery, agreeably to the requisitions contained in the first section of this


County socie

V. And be it further enacted, That in those counties where the Anniversary anniversary meetings of any county medical society, shall occur meeting of on the same day on which the court of common pleas shall meet, it ties may be shall be lawful for such society to alter the time of their anniversa- altered in ry meeting, to such day as a majority of the said society present may think proper.

certain cases

colleges of

VI. And be it further enacted, That each of the colleges of Delegates to medicine in this state, may elect a delegate to represent their col- represent the leges, respectively, in the medical society of the state, who shall medicine. be entitled to all the privileges, and subject to the same regulations, as the delegates from the county medical societies.

attach them

VII. And be it further enacted, That hereafter, it shall be the Practitioners duty of every practitioner of medicine in this state, to report him. required to self to, and connect himself with, the medical society in the county selves to their where he resides, by lodging with the president of such society, a county socje. Lies. certificate under his hand to that effect.


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Towns of Oj.

bal and Gran

AN ACT to divide the town of Hannibal, in the county of Oswego.
Passed April 20, 1818.

I. Be it enacted by the people of the state of New York, reprewego, Hanni sented in senate and as embly, That all that part of the town of Hanby erected. nibal, in the county of Oswego, beginning on the shore of lake Ontario, at the northwest corner of the town of Hannibal, ruooing thence south to the northwest corner of lot number thirty-eight, in the said town, thence east to the northwest corner of lot number fortyfive, thence north to the northwest corner of lot number thirty-seven, thence east to the Oswego river, thence down the said river and along the lake shore to the place of beginning, be and is hereby erected into a separate town, by the name of Oswego; and that the first town meeting be held at the school house, in the village of Oswego, in said town; and that all that part of the said town of Hannibal, beginning on the northwest corner of lot number forty-three, thence south to the northwest corner of lot number eighty-one, thence east to the northeast corner of said lot number eighty-one, thence south to the south line of the original township of Hannibal, thence west to the southwest corner of the said original township of Hannibal, thence north to the northwest corner of lot number thirty-eight, and thence east to the place of beginning, shall be, and is hereby erected into a separate town, by the name of Haouibal; and the first town meeting shall be held at the house of Amos Field, in the said town of Hannibal; and that all the remaining part of the said town of Hannibal, beginning at the northwest corner of lot cumber forty-three, and running thence south to the northwest corner of lot number eighty one, thence east to the northeast corner of said lot number eighty-one, thence south to the south bounds of the said town of Hannibal, thence east along the said south bounds of the present town of Hannibal to the Oswego river, thence down the said river to the northeast corner of lot number thirty-seven, thence west to the northwest corner of lot number thirty-seven, thenee south to the northwest corner of lot number forty-five, thence west to the place of beginning, shall be and is hereby erected into a separate town by the name of Granby; and that the first town meeting in the said town of Granby, shall be held at the house of Cyril Wilson.

Poor and mo.

II. And be it further enacted, That as soon as may be after the ney and gos- first Tuesday in May next, the supervisors and overseers of the poor pel lots to be of the towns aforesaid, shall by due uotice to be given by the superdivided. visors, thereof to meet together and apportion the poor maintained by the said town of Hannibal, and the poor money belonging to the same, agreeably to the last tax list, and shall also divide the gospel aud school lots in said town, agreeably to the said tax list, among the said three towns, in just proportion to the last taxation of real and personal property, excepting that part of the town of Hannibal, which was formerly off the township of Lysander; and it is further provided, that the first town meeting in the said towns, shall be

Town meet

be held.

held on the first Tuesday of May next, and that the annual town meetings shall thereafter be held on the first Tuesday of March, at ing when to such places in each town, as the freeholders and inhabitants shall appoint at their respective annual town meetings.


AN ACT for the relief of the corporation of the United German
Lutheran Churches in the city of New-York.

Passed April 20, 1818.

WHEREAS it is represented to the legislature, that expenses of the said corporation require that the said corporation should be enabled by law, to hold property, real and personal, of a yearly value or income, exceeding three thousand dollars, and this legislature being willing, in all things, to promote the interests of the various deuominations of christians in this state: Therefore,

I. Be it enacted by the people of the state of New York, represen ted in senate and assembly, That from and after the passing of this act, it shall be lawful for the corporation of the united German Lutheran churches, in the city of New York. to purchase and hold, real and personal estate, provided such real and personal estate shall not exceed the annual value or income of six thousand dollars.


AN ACT to divide the town of Northumberland, in the county of


Passed April 20, 1818.

I. Be it enacted by the people of the state of New-York, repre- Town of Wil-' sented in senale and assembly, That from and after the first day ton erected. of March next, all that part of the town of Northumberland, lying west of a line, beginning at the north bounds of said town, five miles and fifty-three rods from the bank of the Hudson river, being the northeast corner of said town, running thence south one degree east, to the south bounds of said town, shall be erected into a separate town, by the name of Wilton, and that the first town meeting shall be held at the dwelling house of Lyndis Emerson, in said town; and that the remaining part of said town of Northumberland, shall be and remain a separate town, by the name of Northumberland; and the first town meeting shall be held at the dwelling house of Job Mulford, in said town.

poor divided.

II. And be it further enacted, That as soon as may be after the first town meeting, the supervisors and overseers of the poor of the Money and said towns, respectively, ou notice to be given by the supervisors thereof, shall meet together, and apportion the poor and the poor money, belonging to the said town of Northumberland, previous to

the division thereof, agreeable to the late tax list, and that each of the said towns shall from thereafter respectively maintain and sup port their own poor.



may suspend

streets for a


AN ACT relative to the opening and enlarging streets in the city of New-York.

Passed April 20, 1818.

I. Be il enacted by the people of the state of New York, repreof New-York sented in senate and assembly, That the mayor, aldermen and opening, &c. commonalty, of the city of New-York, may suspend the opening, limited peri. extending, enlarging, altering and improving of any street, road, avenue or public place, which may be ordered to be opened, extended, enlarged or altered in the said city, in pursuance of the provisions of the act, entitled " an act to reduce several laws reJating particularly to the city of New-York into one act," for such time or times as they shall think proper, not exceeding fifteen months in the whole, after the confirmation of the report of the commissioners of estimate and assessment: And further, that the said mayor, aldermen and commonálty, shall not be required to pay any awarded un- sums of money, which may be awarded to any person, on account of the opening, extending, enlarging, altering and improveing, of any such street, road, avenue or public place, until the expiration of four months after the expiration of the time or times, which may be appointed by them as aforesaid, for carrying the said improvenients into effect.

And are not required to pay the sums til, &c.

ers may ad

tain oaths.

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Commission. II. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the minister cer. commissioners of estimate and assessment, who are, or who may be hereafter appointed by the supreme court, in pursuance of the provisions of the act last above mentioned, to administer oaths in all cases, in any manner appertaining to the opening, extending, enlarging or altering of any street or public place in the said city.

Certain sec



AN ACT to amend an act, entitled" an act to amend an ac', entitled "an act concerning the State Prison, and for other purposes."

Passed April 20, 1818.

I. Be it enacted by the people of the state of New-York repretions repeal sented insenate and assembly, That the fourth, fifth and fifteenth sections of the act, entitled “an act to amend an act, entitled “ an act concerning the state prison," be and the same are hereby re pealed.

II. And be it further enacted, That until the yard of the said prison shall have been enlarged, as herein after provided, in case

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