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Master and man the same vile spirit gains,

Rome chains the world and wears herself the chains.

Mark modern Europe with her feudal codes,
Serfs, villains, vassals, nobles, kings and gods,
All slaves of different grades, corrupt and curst
With high and low, for senseless rank athirst,
Wage endless wars; not fighting to be free,
But cujum pecus, whose base herd they'll be.

Too much of Europe, here transplanted o'er,
Nursed feudal feelings on your tented shore,
Brought sable serfs from Afric, call'd it gain,
And urged your sires to forge the fatal chain.
But now, the tents o'erturn'd, the war dogs fled,
Now fearless Freedom rears at last her head

Matcht with celestial Peace,-my friends, beware
To shade the splendors of so bright a pair;
Complete their triumph, fix their firm abode,
Purge all privations from your liberal code,
Restore their souls to men, give earth repose
And save your sons from slavery, wars and woes.
Based on its rock of right your empire lies,

On walls of wisdom let the fabric rise;
Preserve your principles, their force unfold,

Let nations prove them and let kings behold.



EQUALITY, your first firm-grounded stand;



This holy Triad should for ever shine

The great compendium of all rights divine,

Creed of all schools, whence youths by millions draw
Their themes of right, their decalogues of law;

Till men shall wonder (in these codes inured)
How wars were made, how tyrants were endured.
Then shall your works of art superior rise,

Your fruits perfume a larger length of skies,

Canals careering climb your sunbright hills,

Vein the green slopes and strow their nurturing rills, 410 Thro tunnel'd heights and sundering ridges glide,

Rob the rich west of half Kenhawa's tide,

Mix your wide climates, all their stores confound
And plant new ports in every midland mound.
Your lawless Missisippi, now who slimes
And drowns and desolates his waste of climes,
Ribb'd with your dikes, his torrent shall restrain
And ask your leave to travel to the main;
Won from his wave while rising cantons smile,

Rear their glad nations and reward their toil.

Thus Nile's proud flood to human hands of yore

Raised and resign'd his tide-created shore,


Call'd from his Ethiop hills their hardy swains

And waved their harvest o'er his newborn plains;
Earth's richest realm from his tamed current sprung;
There nascent science toned her infant tongue,
Taught the young arts their tender force to try,

To state the seasons and unfold the sky;
Till o'er the world extended and refined,
They rule the destinies of humankind.

Now had Columbus well enjoy'd the sight
Of armies vanquisht and of fleets in flight,
From all Hesperia's heaven the darkness flown,
And colon crowds to sovereign sages grown.
To cast new glories o'er the changing clime,
The guardian Power reversed the flight of time,
Roll'd back the years that led their course before,
Stretcht out immense the wild uncultured shore;
Then shifts the total scene and rears to view
Arts and the men that useful arts pursue.
As o'er the canvas when the painter's mind
Glows with a future landscape well design'd,
While Panorama's wondrous aid he calls

To crowd whole realms within his circling walls,
Lakes, fields and forests, ports and navies rise,

A new creation to his kindling eyes;




He smiles o'er all; and in delightful strife
The pencil moves and calls the whole to life.
So while Columbia's patriarch stood sublime
And saw rude nature clothe the trackless clime;
The green banks heave, the winding currents pour,
The bays and harbors cleave the yielding shore,
The champaigns spread, the solemn groves arise
And the rough mountains lengthen round the skies;
Thro all their bounds he traced with skilful ken
The unform'd seats and future walks of men;
Markt where the field should bloom, the pennon play,
Great cities grow and empires claim their sway;
When, sudden waked by Hesper's waving hand,
They rose obedient round the cultured land.

In western tracts, where still the wildmen tread,
From sea to sea an inland commerce spread;
On the dim streams and thro the gloomy grove
The trading bands their cumbrous burdens move;
Furs, peltry, drugs, and all the native store

Of midland realms descended to the shore.

Where summer suns, along the northern coast, With feeble force dissolve the chains of frost, Prolific waves the scaly nations trace


And tempt the toils of man's laborious race.


Tho rich Brazilian strands, beneath the tide,

Their shells of pearl and sparkling pebbles hide,
While for the gaudy prize, a venturous train
Plunge the dark deep and brave the surging main,
Drag forth the shining gewgaws into air

To stud a sceptre or emblaze a star;

Far wealthier stores these genial tides display,
And works less dangerous with their spoils repay.
The Hero saw the hardy crews advance,

Cast the long line and aim the barbed lance,
Load the deep floating barks and bear abroad
To every land the life-sustaining food;

Renascent swarms by nature's care supplied,
Repeople still the shoals and fin the fruitful tide.


Where southern streams thro broad savannas bend, The rice-clad vales their verdant rounds extend;

Tobago's plant its leaf expanding yields,

The maiz luxuriant clothes a thousand fields;

Steeds, herds and flocks o'er northern regions rove,
Imbrown the hill and wanton thro the grove.

The woodlands wild their sturdy honors bend,
The pines, the liveoaks to the shores descend,
There couch the keels, the crooked ribs arise,
Hulls heave aloft and mastheads mount the skies?


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