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When the rate per cent. is 4,, or, more than the pounds

or dollars given.


To the product made by the pounds, or dollars, add,, or, of the principal, and divide by 100 for the interest required.


I What is the interest of 2461 185, and of 658 dollars 40 cents, for 5 years, at 44 per cent. per annum?

[blocks in formation]



4,658 40





answer 139,91,0 mills.


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52 9 34 answer.

d. 10138

qr. 152

2 Calculate the interest of a bond for 4271 185 9d. for z

years, at 5 per cent. per annum?

facit 491 4s 3d. 3 What sum will 10961 155 6d. amount to in 4 years, at answer 13811 185 8d.

61 per cent. per annum ?


When the time given is months, weeks or days, less or more than a year.


As the months, weeks, or days in a year,

Are to the interest of the given sum for a year;

So are the months, weeks, or days in the time given,

To the interest required.

Or, take aliquot parts of the yearly interest for the given

part of a year.


I What will 300l amount to in 5 years and 10 months, at

44 per cent. yer annum?

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2 What is the interest of 571 175 8d.

6 per cent. per annum?

3 How much is the interest of 1501 4 months, at 6 per cent. per annum ? 4 What is the interest of 126/ 125 per cent. per annum ?

5 How much is the amount of 2431 5 per cent?

for three months, at answer 17s 4d. 195. for 3 years and answer 3cl 35 9d. for 16 weeks, at 4 answer 11-15s od. 175. for 146 days, at answer 2491 9s 2d.

6 What is the interest of 711 35 11d. for 1 year, 5 months, and 25 days, at 6 per cent. per annum?

answer 61 6s 10d. 7 What is the amount of a bond for 1161 175 2d. for 6 years, 7 months, and 19 days, at 7 per cent. per annum?

answer 1711 25 7d,

The interest of any sum, for any time, at 6 per cent. per annum, may also be found by this


Multiply the principal by half the time in months, and

divide by 100.

Note 1. If there be days, take for them such part or parts of the principal as half the days are of 30; deducting from the interest so found as many pence as there are threes in the pounds of those parts, excepting the units.


If the days exceed 30, bring them into months of 30 days each; deducting as above for the threes in the total.

3. To calculate interest on dollars at 6 per cent. for days, multiply the sum by the number of days, divide by 60; and the quotient will be the answer in cents.


For 7 per cent. to the interest at 6, add one fixth.

8 What is the interest of 8271 185 10d. for 1 year, I

months, and 20 days, at 6 per cent. per annum?

M. d.

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9 What sum will 6741 13s 8d amount to, in 5 years, II months, and 28 days, at 6 per cent.

per annum?
answer 9171 6s 1d.

10 What is the interest of 517 dollars for 30 days, at 6 answer 2,58

per cent. per annum?

annum, for 64 days?

II What is the interest of 325 dollars, at 6 per cent. per

12 At 6 per cent. what will the interest be of 100%. from


answer 3,46


the 6th of the 7th month (July) to the ninth of the ist month (January?) answer 31 Is gd. 13 Tell the interest of 240l. for 1 year and 135 days, at 7 per cent. per annum?

answer 231 os 3d. answer 351 5s Od.

14 What is the interest of 3711. for 1 year and 213 days, at 6 per cent. per annum? 15 What is the interest of a bond for 3251 155 6d. for I year and 73 days, at 7 per cent. per annum?


answer 271 75 3d. 16 Required the interest of a bond for 148/ 125 6d. for 11 months, at 6 per cent. per annum? answer 81 35 3d. 17 What sum will a bond of 3331 135 3d. amount to in 17 months, at 6 per cent per annum ? answer 3621 os 6d

18 A father left a legacy to his daughter of 6511 115. to be at interest until she attained the age of eighteen; at his decease she was 15 years and 219 days old; what sum must she call on her executor for, interest computed at 7 per cent. per annum? answer 7611 os 2d.

19 What interest is due on a legacy of 5171 125 8d for 5 years, 11 months, and 25 days, at 6 per cent. per annum? answer 1851 178 9d. 20 What is the interest of one farthing for 5794 years, at 7 per cent. per annum ? answer 8s 5d. 21 A owes B the following sums, with the interest on

them, at 6 per cent. per annum, for 15 months; 751 10s. for months, and 3971 125. for 45 of the principal and interest ?

viz. 60l. for 7 months; 150l. 9 months: 1451 15s. for 27 months; what is the amount answer. 9551 145 6d




Insurance, commission and brokage, are allowances made to insurers, factors, or brokers, at a stipulated rate per cent.


For the insurance or commission, work as if to find the interest of the given sum, at the proposed rate for 1 year;


and, for the brokage, divide the sum by 100, and take such aliquot parts of the quotient, as the brokage is of a pound.


1 A factor has disbursed upon his employer's account the sum of 1009! 18s. what must be demanded for his commis sion; at 24 per cent ?

£. s. d.

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2. What is the insurance of an East India ship and cargo valued at 7406/ 175 6d. at 15 per cent?

answer 11661 115 7d 3 Suppose per cent. be allowed for commission; what must be demanded on 7041 15s 4d.? answer 121 6s 8d. 4 What is the brokage of 70cl 14s 6d. at 4s. per cent. answer 11 85 od. 5 What may a broker demand on 4201 125 6d. at 6s 4d. per cent.? Il 6s 7d. 6 The value of a ship and cargo is 85600dols. what is the insurance, at 35 per cent.?



answer 29960dols.

To find the principal, when the amount, time and rate per cent, are given.


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