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Tringa arenaria.

Gen. 2. Porphyrio of Brisson.-Bill higher in

Gen. 9. Pelidna of Cuvier.-Bill longer than the proportion; frontal plate large. Support them

head; toes with margins.

selves on one foot whilst they eat.

Tringa cinchus.

Fulica porphyrio.

T. Alpina.

Gen. 3. Fulica of Brisson. -Bill short; toes

tween their outer toes.

Fulica atra; F. atarrima et æthiops of Gmelin.

Tringa pugnax.

Gen. 4. Glareola of Gmelin.-Bill short and co

Gen. 10. Machetes of Cuvier.-Palmation be widened by a festooned border.

Gen. 11. Arenaria of Bech. Great toe wanting. Choradrius calidris rubidus of Gmelin.

Gen. 12. Phalaropus of Brisson.-Bill flattened;

toes margined with broad membranes.

Tringa lobata.

Phalaropus rufus; tringa fulicaria.

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Sternum very long, defending a great part of

Gen. 13. Strepsilas of Iliger. Legs low; bill short, their viscera, not having a notch on each side.

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S. ochrapus.

Gizzard muscular; cæcal appendages long: inferior larynx simple, but inflated in one family into cartilaginous capsules.

Family 1. BRACHYPTERA.-Alis brevibus. Legs placed further behind than any of the other families; wings short; plumage compact; confine themselves to the surface of the water.

Subdivision. 1. COLYMBI.

Bill thin, straight, compressed, pointed; nostrils linear.

Gen. 1. Pediceps of Latham.-Colymbus of Bris.

Gen. 15. Lobipes of Cuvier. The feet of the Middle nail flattened; tarsi very much compressed.

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Bill very much compressed, elevated vertically; dorsum sharp, commonly furrowed across.

Gen. 1. Fratercula. -Bill shorter than the head, and higher at the base than it is long. Alca artica; Labradoria of Gmelin.

Group 1. Procellaria.--Nostrils tubular Gen. Procellaria.-Bill hooked at the point, extremity seems to be composed of a piece which is articulated to the rest; nostrils united into a tube upon the dorsum of the mandible.

Procellaria gigantea of Latham, quebrata huesos. P. Capensis.

These birds were our constant companions during several thousand miles, and quitted our company a short time in the Blossom's passage round the Horn

3 D

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P. marina.

P. fuliginosa.

P. vittata, cerulea of Gmelin.

Gen. 5. Alca.-Bill longer, and in form of the plate of a conteau; wings too smail to support the weight of the body.

Procellaria lorde et pira of Gmelin.
P. impennis of Linné.

Group. 2. Aptenodytes of Foster. Wings with only the vestiges of feathers, which at first sight resemble scales; the trosis is enlarged like the heel of a quadruped, and within are found three bones cemented together by their extremities. Gen. 1. Aptenodytes of Cuvier.-Manchots. Bill slender, long, and pointed; the upper mandible somewhat arched towards the extremity, covered with feathers nearly a third of the length, where is seated the nostril.

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Group 2. Lari. See LARUS.

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A certain space under the throat bare of feathers; nostrils a very narrow chink; skin of the throat dilatable; tongue small, for it would appear that the materials of the tongue have been abstracted to form the vast dilatation of the fauces. Pelecanus, from πελεκυς, an axe, applicable to the form of the bill.

Gen. 1. Onocrotalus of Bris. -Bill long, straight, and hooked; the flexible branches of the lower mandible bear on their edges a membrane dilatable into a large pouch.

Pelecanus onocrotalus of Linné.

P. Philippensis.

P. fuscus.

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Pelecanus bassanus.

Gen. 5. Plotus. See PLOTUS.
Gen. 6. Phaeton. See PHAETON.

Family 4.-ROSTRO LAMINIS INSTRUCTO. Bill thick, clothed with a soft skin; its edges furnished with plates or small teeth; tongue broad and fleshy, denticulated at its edges. In the

Gen. 1. Larus.-Nostrils narrow, in medial dis- greater number the trachea or windpipe of the

tance from the base and the tip.

Larus marinus.

L. glaucus argentatus.

L. cyanorcynchus catriscilla erythropus.

L. canus, rudibundus, hybernus.

male is inflated near its bifurcation into capsules of different forms; gizzard large and very muscular; cæcal appendages long.

Group 1. Anseres

Bill large and broad, its edges furnished with

L. tridactylis, rissa of Gmelin. Deserves to be prominent plates, fine and placed crosswise.


Order Lacertacer G. Lacerta apus Apodal Lizard

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