Deep squadron'd horse support his endless flanks, And park'd artillery frowns behind the ranks. Flusht with the conquest of a thousand fields And rich with spoils that all the region yields, They burn with zeal to close the long campaign And crush Columbia on this final plain.
His fellow chiefs inhale the hero's flame, Nerves of his arm and partners in his fame: Phillips, with treasured thunders poised and wheel'd In brazen tubes prepares to rake the field; The trench-tops darken with the sable rows, And tipt with fire the waving match-rope glows. There gallant Reidesel in German guise, And Specht and Breyman prompt for action rise; His savage hordes the murderous Johnson40 leads, Files thro the woods and treads the tangled weeds, 390 Shuns open combat, teaches where to run, Skulk, couch the ambush, aim the hunter's gun, Whirl the sly tomahawk, the war whoop sing, Divide the spoils and pack the scalps they bring.
Frazer in quest of glory seeks the field;--False glare of glory, what hast thou to yield? How long, deluding phantom, wilt thou blind, Mislead, debase, unhumanize mankind?
Bid the bold youth, his headlong sword who draws,
Heed not the object nor inquire the cause,
But seek, adventuring like an errant knight, Wars not his own, gratuitous in fight, Greet the gored field, then plunging thro the fire, Mow down his men, with stupid pride expire, Shed from his closing eyes the finisht flame
And ask, for all his crimes, a deathless name? And when shall solid glory pure and bright
Alone inspire us and our deeds requite? When shall the applause of men their chiefs pursue
In just proportion to the good they do, On virtue's base erect the shrine of fame, Define her empire and her code proclaim?
Unhappy Frazer! little hast thou weigh'd The crimeful cause thy valor comes to aid. Far from thy native land, thy sire, thy wife, Love's lisping race that cling about thy life, Thy soul beats high, thy thoughts expanding roam
On battles past and laurels yet to come:
Alas, what laurels? where the lasting gain?
A pompous funeral on a desert plain!
The cannon's roar, the muffled drums proclaim,
In one short blast, thy momentary fame;
And some war minister per-hazard reads In what far field the tool of placemen bleeds. Brave Heartly strode in youth's o'erweening pride; Housed in the camp he left his blooming bride, The sweet Lucinda; whom her sire from far, On steeds high bounding o'er the waste of war, Had guided thro the lines and hither led, That fateful morn, the plighted chief to wed. He deem'd, deluded sire! the contest o'er, That routed rebels dared the fight no more; And came to mingle, as the tumult ceased, The victor's triumph with the nuptial feast. They reacht his tent; when now with loud alarms The morn burst forth and roused the camp to arms; Conflicting passions seized the lover's breast, Bright honor call'd and bright Lucinda prest: And wilt thou leave me for that clangorous call? Traced I these deserts but to see thee fall?
I know thy valorous heart, thy zeal that speeds Where dangers press and boldest battle bleeds. My father said blest Hymen here should join With sacred Love to make Lucinda thine; But other union these dire drums foredoom, The dark dead union of the eternal tomb.
On yonder plain, soon sheeted o'er with blood, Our nuptial couch shall prove a crimson clod; For there this night thy livid corse must lie, I'll seek it there and on that bosom die. Yet go; tis duty calls; but o'er thy head Let this white plume its floating foliage spread; That from the rampart, thro the troubled air, These eyes may trace thee toiling in the war. She fixt the feather on his crest above, Bound with the mystic knot, the knot of love; He parted silent, but in silent prayer, Bade Love and Hymen guard the timorous fair. Where Saratoga show'd her champaign side, That Hudson bathed with still untainted tide, The opposing pickets pusht their scouting files, Wheel'd, skirmisht, halted, practised all their wiles; Each to mislead, insnare, exhaust their foes And court the conquest ere the armies close. Now roll like winged storms the solid lines, The clarion thunders and the battle joins; Thick flames in vollied flashes load the air, And echoing mountains give the noise of war; Sulphureous clouds rise reddening round the height, And veil the skies and wrap the sounding fight.
Soon from the skirts of smoke, where thousands toil,
Ranks roll away and into light recoil;
Starke pours upon them in a storm of lead;
His hosted swains bestrew the field with dead, Pierce with strong bayonets the German reins, Whelm two battalions in their captive chains, Bid Baum with wounds enfeebled quit the field And Breyman next his gushing lifeblood yield. This Frazer sees, and thither turns his course, Bears down before them with Britannia's force, Wheels a broad column on the victor flank And springs to vengeance thro the foremost rank. Lincoln, to meet the hero, sweeps the plain; His ready bands the laboring Starke sustain; Host matching host, the doubtful battle burns, And now the Britons, now their foes by turns Regain the ground; till Frazer feels the force Of a rude grapeshot in his flouncing horse; Nor knew the chief, till struggling from the fall, That his gored thigh had first received the ball. He sinks expiring on the slippery soil; Shock'd at the sight, his baffled troops-recoil; Where Lincoln, pressing with redoubled might, Broke thro their squadrons and confirm'd the flight; VOL. II.
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