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and against the will of the parliament of this kingdom, fubvert and alter, and caufe to be fubverted and altered, the legiflature, rule, and government, now duly and happily established in this kingdom, and depofe, and caufe to be depofed, our faid lord the king, from the royal ftate, title, power, and government thereof. And further to fulfil, perfect, and bring to effect their moft evil and wicked treafon, and treasonable compaffings and imaginations aforesaid, and in order the more readily and effectually to affemble fuch convention and meeting as aforefaid, for the traitorous purposes aforefaid, and thereby to accomplish the faid purposes, the faid Thomas Hardy, John Horne Tooke, John Auguftus Bonney, Stewart Kyd, Jeremiah Joyce, Thomas Holcroft, John Richter, John Thelwall, and John Baxter, as fuch falfe traitors as aforefaid, together with divers other false traitors, whofe names are to the jurors aforefaid unknown, on the said first day of March, in the thirty-third year aforefaid, and on divers other days and times as well before as after, with force and arms, at the parish of Saint Giles aforefaid, in the county of Middlesex aforefaid, malicioufly and traitorously did compofe and write, and did then and there maliciously and traitoroully cause to be compofed and written, divers books, pamphlets, letters, inftructions, refolutions, orders, declarations, addreffes, and writings, and did then and there maliciously and traitorously publish, and did then and there maliciously and traitorously cause to be published, divers other books, pamphlets, letters, inftructions, refolutions, orders, declarations, addreffes, and writings, the faid books, pamphlets, letters, inftructions, refolutions, orders, declarations, addreffes, and writings, fo refpectively compofed, written, publifhed, and caufed to be compofed, written, and publifhed, purporting and containing therein, among other things, incitements, encouragements, and exhortations, to move, induce, and perfuade the fubjects of our faid lord the king to choose, depute, and fend, and cause to be chofen, deputed, and fent, perfons, as delegates, to compofe and conftitute fuch convention and meeting as aforefaid, to be fo holden as aforefaid, for the traitorous purposes aforefaid. And further to fulfil, perfect, and bring to effect their most evil and wicked treason, and treasonable compaffings and imaginations aforefaid; and in order the more readily and effectually to affemble fuch convention and meeting as aforefaid, for the traitorous purposes aforefaid, and thereby to accomplish the fame purposes, the faid Thomas Hardy, John Horne Tooke, John Auguftus Bonney, Stewart Kyd, Jeremiah Joyce, Thomas Holcroft, John Richter, John Thelwall, and John Baxter, as fuch falfe traitors as aforefaid, on the faid first day of March, in the thirty-third year aforefaid, and on divers other days and times as well before as after, with force and arms, at the parish of St. Giles aforefaid, in the county of Middlesex aforefaid, did meet, confult, and deliberate among themselves, and together with divers other false traitors, whose names are to the faid jurors unknown, of and concerning the calling and affembling fuch convention and meeting as aforefaid, for the traitorous purposes aforefaid, and how, when, and where fuch convention and meeting VOL. IV.



fhould be affembled and held, and by what means the subjects of our faid lord the king fhould and might be induced and moved to fend perfons as delegates to compofe and conftitute the fame. And further to fulfil, perfect, and bring to effect their most evil and wicked treason, and treasonable compaffings and imaginations aforefaid, and in order the more readily and effectually to affemble fuch convention and meeting as aforesaid, for the traitorous purposes aforefaid, and thereby to accomplish the fame purposes, the faid Thomas Hardy, John Horne Tooke, John Auguftus Bonney, Stewart Kyd, Jeremiah Joyce, Thomas Holcroft, John Richter, John Thelwall, and John Baxter, as fuch falfe traitors as aforefaid, together with divers other falfe traitors, whose names are to the jurors aforefaid unknown, on the faid first day of March, in the thirty-third year aforefaid, and on divers other days and times as well before as after, with force and arms, at the parish of Saint Giles aforefaid, in the county of Middlefex aforefaid, maliciously and traitorously did confent and agree, that the faid Jeremiah Joyce, John Auguftus Bonney, John Horne Tooke, Thomas Wardle, Matthew Moore, John Thelwall, John Baxter, Richard Hodgson, one John Lovett, one William Sharp, and John Pearson, should meet, confer, and co-operate among themfelves, and together with divers other falfe traitors, whofe names are to the faid jurors unknown, for and towards the calling and affembling fuch convention and meeting as aforefaid, for the traitorous purposes aforefaid. And further to fulfil, perfect, and bring to effect their most evil and wicked treafon, and treafonable compaffings and imaginations aforefaid, the faid Thomas Hardy, John Horne Tooke, John Auguftus Bonney, Stewart Kyd, Jeremiah Joyce, Thomas Holcroft, John Richter, John Thelwall, and John Baxter, as fuch falfe traitors as aforefaid, together with divers other falfe traitors, whofe names are to the jurors aforefaid unknown, on the said first day of March, in the thirty-third year aforefaid, and on divers other days and times as well before as after, with force and arms, at the parish of Saint Giles aforefaid, in the county of Middlefex aforefaid, malicioufly and traitorously did caufe and procure to be made and provided, and did then and there malicioufly and traitorously consent and agree to the making and providing of divers arms and offenfive weapons, to wit, guns, mufquets, pikes, and axes, for the purpose of arming divers fubjects of our faid lord the king, in order and to the intent that the fame fubjects fhould and might unlawfully, forcibly, and traitorously oppofe and withstand our faid lord the king in the due and lawful exercife of his royal power and authority in the execution of the laws and ftatutes of this realm, and should and might unlawfully, forcibly, and traitoroufly, fubvert and alter, and aid and affift in fubverting and altering, without and in defiance of the authority, and against the will of the parliament of this kingdom, the legiflature, rule, and government, now duly and happily eftablifhed in this kingdom, and depose, and aid and affift in depofing, our faid lord the king from the royal ftate, title, power, and government of this kingdom. And further to fulfil, perfect, and bring



to effect their most evil and wicked treafon, and treasonable compaffings and imaginations aforefaid, the faid Thomas Hardy, John Horne Tooke, John Auguftus Bonney, Stewart Kyd, Jeremiah Joyce, Thomas Holcroft, John Richter, John Thelwall, and John Baxter, as fuch falfe traitors as aforefaid, with force and arms, on the faid first day of March, in the thirty-third year aforesaid, and on divers other days and times as well before as after, at the parish of St. Giles aforefaid, in the county of Middlesex aforesaid, maliciously and traitorously did meet, confpire, confult, and agree among themselves, and with divers other falfe traitors, whofe names are to the faid jurors unknown, to raife, levy, and make infurrection, rebellion, and war within this kingdom of Great Britain, againft our faid lord the king. And furtner to fulfil, perfect, and bring to effect their moft evil and wicked treafon, and treasonable compaffings and imaginations aforefaid, the faid Thomas Hardy, John Horne Tooke, John Auguftus Bonney, Stewart Kyd, Jeremiah Joyce, Thomas Holcroft, John Richter, John Thelwall, and John Baxter, as fuch falfe traitors as aforefaid, on the faid first day of March, in the thirty-third year aforefaid, and on divers other days. and times as well before as after, at the parish of Saint Giles aforefaid, in the county of Middlefex aforefaid, with force and arms, maliciously and traitorously did meet, confpire, confult, and agree amongst themfelves, and together with divers other falfe traitors, whofe names are to the faid jurors unknown, unlawfully, wickedly, and traitorously, to fubvert and alter, and caufe to be fubverted and altered, the legislature, rule, and government, now duly and happily established in this kingdom, and to depofe, and cause to be depofed, our faid lord the king from the royal ftate, title, power, and government of this kingdom. And further to fulfil, perfect, and bring to effect their most evil and wicked treafon, and treasonable compaffings and imaginations aforefaid, and in order the more readily and effectually to bring about fuch fubverfion, alteration, anddepofition as laft aforefaid, the faid Thomas Hardy, John Horne Tooke, John Auguftus Bonney, Stewart Kyd, Jeremiah Joyce, Thomas Holcroft, John Richter, John Thelwall, and John Baxter, as fuch falfe traitors as aforefaid, together with divers other falfe traitors, whose names are to the jurors aforefaid unknown, on the faid first day of March, in the thirty-third year aforefaid, and on divers other days and times as well before as after, at the parish of Saint Giles aforefaid, in the county of Middlefex aforefaid, with force and arms, maliciously and traitorously did prepare and compofe, and did then and there maliciously and traitorously cause and procure to be prepared and compofed, divers books, pamphlets, letters, declarations, inftructions, refolutions, orders, addreffes, and writings, and did then and there malicioufly and traitorously publish and difperfe, and did then and there maliciously and traitorously caufe and procure to be publifhed and difperfed, divers other books, pamphlets, letters, declarations, inftructions, refolutions, orders, addreffes, and writings, the faid feveral books, pamphlets, letters, declarations, inftructions, refolutions, orders, addreffes, and writ

[blocks in formation]

ings fo respectively prepared, composed, published, difperfed, and caused to be prepared, compofed, published, and dispersed, as laft aforefaid, purporting and containing therein, amongst other things, incitements, encouragements, and exhortations, to move, induce, and perfuade the fubjects of our faid lord the king to aid and affift in carrying into effect fuch traitorous fubverfion, alteration, and deposition, as last aforefaid, and alfo containing therein, amongst other things, information, inftructions, and directions, to the fubjects of our faid lord the king, how, when, and upon what occafions, the traitorous purposes laft aforesaid should and might be carried into effect. And further to fulfil, perfect, and bring to effect, their moft evil and wicked treafon, and treasonable compaffings and imaginations aforefaid, the faid Thomas Hardy, John Horne Tooke, John Auguftus Bonney, Stewart Kyd, Jeremiah Joyce, Thomas Holcroft, John Richter, John Thelwall, and John Baxter, as fuch false traitors as aforefaid, together with divers other falfe traitors, whofe names are to the jurors aforefaid unknown, on the faid firft day of March, in the thirty-third year aforefaid, and on divers other days and times as well before as after, at the parish of Saint Giles aforefaid, in the county of Middlesex aforefaid, with force and arms, maliciously and traitorously did procure and provide, and did then and there malicioufly and traitorously caufe and procure to be provided, and did then and there maliciously and traitorously confent and agree to the procuring and providing arms and offenfive weapons (to wit), guns, mufquets, pikes, and axes, therewith to levy and wage war, infurrection, and rebellion, against our faid lord the king within this kingdom, against the duty of the allegiance of the faid Thomas Hardy, John Horne Tooke, John Auguftus Bonney, Stewart Kyd, Jeremiah Joyce, Thomas Holcroft, John Richter, John Thelwall, and John Baxter, against the peace of our faid lord the now king, his crown and dignity, and against the form of the statute in that cafe made and provided.

Indictment for THE KING

fetting fire to a




MIDDLESEX. The jurors of our lord the king upon their oath prefent, that John Mead, late dwelling-house. MEAD. of the parish of Saint George the Martyr, in the county of Middlesex, labourer, not having the fear of God before his eyes, but being moved and feduced by the inftigation of the State the day if devil, on the fifth day of July, in the thirty-first year of the reign you know it. of our fovereign lord George the Third, king of Great Britain, The exact day and fo forth, with force and arms, at the parish aforefaid, in the is not material. county aforefaid, felonioufly, wilfully, and malicioufly, did fet fire V. G. to and burn a certain dwelling-houfe of one Walter Carwardine, there fituate, against the peace of our faid lord the king, his crown


and dignity. And the jurors aforefaid, upon their oath aforefaid,
do further prefent, that the faid John Mead, not having the fear of
God before his eyes, but being moved and feduced by the inftiga-
tion of the devil, on the said fifth day of July, in the said thirty-first
year of the reign of our faid lord the king, with force and arms, at
the faid parish of Saint George the Martyr, in the faid county of
Middlefex, unlawfully, wilfully, maliciously, and feloniously, did
fet fire to a certain other dwelling-houfe of the faid Walter Car-
wardine there fituate, against the form of the ftatute in fuch cafe
made and provided, and against the peace of our faid lord the king,
his crown and dignity.


on fire.


ift Count at common law, 1. Hawk, P. C.

MIDDLESEX. The jurors for our lord the king upon their Indictment for oath prefent, that Andrew Broome, late of the parish of St. M. fetting in the county of Middlefex, labourer, not having the fear of God before his eyes, but being moved and feduced by the inftigation of the devil, on the fifth day of March, in the twentieth year of the reign of our fovereign lord George the Third, now king of Great Britain, &c. about the hour of twelve in the night of the fame day, 166. with force and arms at the parish aforefaid, in the county aforefaid, a certain house of one William Butler there fituate, feloniously, wilfully, and malicioufly, then and there did fet on fire and burn, against the peace of our faid lord the prefent king, his crown and

dignity. And the jurors aforefaid upon their oath further prefent, 2d, By ftatute that the faid A. Broome, after the first day of June A. D. 1711, to 9. Geo. 1. c. 22, wit, on the fifth day of March, in the twentieth year of the reign of our faid lord the present king, about the hour of twelve in the night of the fame day, with force and arms, at the parish aforefaid, in the county aforefaid, a certain houfe of the faid W. B. there fituate, feloniously, wilfully, and maliciously, then and there did fet on fire, and against the peace of our faid lord the prefent king, his crown and dignity, and alfo against the form of the ftatute in that cafe made and provided. And the jurors aforefaid upon their oath 3d, For fetting further prefent, that the faid Andrew B. on the faid fifth day of the house of lef March, in the twentieth year of the reign of our faid lord the king, nine years on about the hour of twelve in the night of the fame day, with force fire, at common and arms, at the parish aforefaid, in the county aforefaid, a certain law. houfe of one Stone Tupped there fituate, feloniously, wilfully, and maliciously, then and there did fet on fire and burn, against the peace of our faid lord the prefent king, his crown and dignity.

fee for ninety

And the jurors aforefaid upon their oath further prefent, that the 4th, By ftatute, faid A. B. on the faid fifth day of March, in the twentieth year of the reign of our faid lord the prefent king, about the hour of twelve in the night of the fame day, with force and arms, at the parish aforefaid, in the county aforefaid, a certain houfe of the faid Stone Tupped there fituate, felonioufly, voluntarily, and maliciously, then and there did fet fire to, againft the peace of our faid lord the king, his crown and dignity, and alfo against the form of the ftatute in that

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