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" If 8 men can build a wall 20 feet long, 6 feet high and 4 feet thick, in 12 days ; in what time will 24 men build one 200 feet long, 8 feet high, and 6 feet thick ? 8 : 12 : : 20x6x4 24: 200x8x6 80 (lays, Jlns. "
Elements of Arithmetic - Page 158
by Etienne Bézout - 1824 - 219 pages
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The Scholar's Arithmetic; Or, Federal Accountant ...: The Whole in a Form ...

Daniel Adams - Arithmetic - 1807 - 250 pages
...answer to be found ? 5. WHEN the proportion is Inverse, how is the answer to be found ? JEXERCISES. 1. IF 6 men build a wall 20 feet long, 6 feet high, and 4 feet wide in 16 days, in what time will 24 men build one 200 feet long, 8 feet high and 6 feet thick ? /)...
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The New Complete System of Arithmetick: Composed for the Use of the Citizens ...

Nicolas Pike - Arithmetic - 1807 - 372 pages
...demand the number of men to be employed about it ? «. Men. mo. Ed. 20 : 12 :: i y :: i 48 men, Anf. 8. If 6 men build a wall 20 feet long, 6 feet high and 4 fett thick, in 16 days ; in what time will 24 men build one 200 feet long, 8 feet high, and 6 feet...
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A New and Complete System of Arithmetick: Composed for the Use of the ...

Nicolas Pike - Algebra - 1808 - 470 pages should be built in 5 months. 1 demand the number of men to be employed about it ? Ans. 48 men. 8. If 6 men build a wall 20 feet long, 6 feet high and 4 feet thick, in 16 days, in what time will 24 men build one 200 feet long, 8 feet high, and 6 feet thick i m. da. ft....
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A New and Complete System of Arithmetick: Composed for the Use of the ...

Nicolas Pike - Arithmetic - 1809 - 312 pages
...2£cwt. 100 leagues ? Ans. D.i89 35c. D.Pr. Mo. D.Int. 100 : \2 :: 6 400 ; 6 :: 18 12 2400 216 too 7. If 6 men build a wall 20 feet long, 6 feet high and...thick, in 1 6 days, in what time will 24 men build one 20o feet long, 8 feet high, and 6 feet thick ? m. da. ft. 6 : 16 :: 20X6X4 24 : :: 200X8X6 80 days,...
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Daboll's Schoolmaster's Assistant: Improved and Enlarged : Being a Plain and ...

Nathan Daboll - Arithmetic - 1813 - 242 pages
...carriage of * ewt. 2 qrs. 25 Ib. 04 miles, at the same rate ? Ans. gM,08c<i. 6m. + 10. If 8 men can build a wall 20 feet long, 6 feet high and 4 feet thick, in 12 days ; in what time' will 24 mer build one 200 feet long, 8 feet high, and 6 feet thick ? 8 : 12...
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Daboll's Schoolmaster's Assistant, Improved and Enlarged: Being a Plain ...

Nathan Daboll - Arithmetic - 1817 - 252 pages
...Aits. gl4, OScts. 6m.+ 10. If 8 men can build a wall 20 feet long, 6 feet highand 4 feet thick, in. 12 days;. in what time will 24 men . build one 200 feet long, 8 feet- high, and C feet thick ? 8 : 12.: : 20X0X4 24-: 200X8X6 80 days, Ans. CONJOINED- PROPORTION, JS when the coins,...
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Daboll's Schoolmaster's Assistant: Improved and Enlarged. Being a Plain ...

Nathan Daboll - Arithmetic - 1818 - 248 pages
...Jlns. g14, 0Scis. 6m. + 10. If 8 men can build a wall 20 feet long, 6 feet high and 4 feet thick, in 12 days ; in what time will 24 men build one 200 feet long, 8 feet high, and 6 feet thick ? 8 : 12 : : 20x6x4 24: 200x8x6 80 (lays, Jlns. CONJOINED PROPORTION, IS when the coins, weights or...
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Daboll's Schoolmaster's Assistant: Improved and Enlarged. Being a Plain ...

Nathan Daboll - Arithmetic - 1818 - 246 pages
...carriage of 7 cwt. 2 qrs. 25 Ib. 64 miles at the same rate ? i Jlns. g14, O&cts. 6m.+ 10. If 8 men can build a wall 20 feet long, 6 feet high and 4 feet thick, in 12 days ; in what time will 24 men build one 200 leet long, 8 feet high, and 6 feet thick ? 8 : 12...
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Daboll's Schoolmaster's Assistant: Improved and Enlarged; Being a Plain ...

Nathan Daboll - Arithmetic - 1820 - 256 pages
...814, 0Sots. 6m. -f 10. If 8 men can build a wall 20 feet long, 6 feet higk and 4 feet thick, in 12 days ; in what time will 24 men build .one 200 feet long, 8 feet high, and 6 foet thick ? 8 : 12 : : 20x6x4 24 : 200x8x6 80 days, Jtns, CONJOINED PROPORTION, iS when the coins,...
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A New and Complete System of Arithmetick: Composed for the Use of the ...

Nicolas Pike - Arithmetic - 1822 - 560 pages
...about it ? Ans. 48 men. 8. If 6 men build a wall 20 feet long, 6 feet high and 4 feet thick, in 16 days, in what time will 24 men build one 200 feet...long, 8 feet high, and 6 feet thick ? Ans. 80 days. COMPARISON OF WEIGHTS JIND MEASURES. EXAMPLES. 1. If 78 pence Massachusetts be worth 1 French crown,...
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