| Daniel Adams - Arithmetic - 1807 - 250 pages
...men. 11. How much in length, that is 3 inches broad will make a square foot ? An». 48 inches. 12. There is a cistern, having 1 pipe which will empty...same capacity will empty it in 24 minutes ? Ans. 25 /tifies. 13. If » field will feed 6 cow* 91 days, how long will it feed 21 cows ? An». 26 days. GENERAL... | |
 | James Noyes - Arithmetic - 1808 - 168 pages
...is sold for 4*. 9<i. per bushel I A/tywer, 2O0Z. Zpwt. 19| J£V". 7. There is a cistern, having one pipe which will empty it in 10 hours ; how many pipes...of the same capacity will empty it in 24 minutes.? b. p tn, pipe*. As 10 : 1 : : 24 : 25 Answer. H 8. How rauch in length, .that is 7} inches wide, will... | |
 | Nicolas Pike - Algebra - 1808 - 470 pages
...: 12 :: 4 : 36 to finish in 4 days. 12. There is a cistern having a pipe, which will empty it in 6 hours : How many pipes of the same capacity, will empty it in 20 minutes ? h. pi. mi. pi. As 6 : 1 :: 20 : 18 Ans. 1 3. What number of men must be employed to finish... | |
 | Daniel Adams - Arithmetic - 1810 - 190 pages
...months ; I demand how many men must be employed about it. Ans. 480 men. 28. There is a cistern having a pipe which will empty it in 10 hours ; how many pipes of the same capacity will empty it in 24 minutes ? I Ans. 26 pipes. 29. A garrison of 1200 men has provisioas for 9 months, at the rate of 14 oz. per... | |
 | Daniel Adams - Arithmetic - 1816 - 226 pages
...will make a square foot ? .ans. 48 inches. 14. There is a cistern having 1 pipe which will empty itin 10 hours , how many pipes of the same capacity will empty it in 24 minutes ? Ans. 25 pipes. *-t>. *f 15. If га field will feed 6 cow* 91 days, how long will it feed Й1 cows ? Ans. 26 days.... | |
 | Daniel Adams - Arithmetic - 1817 - 258 pages
...480 men 13. How much in length, that is 3 inches broad, will make a square foot ? Ans. 48 inches. 14. There is a cistern having 1 pipe which will empty...capacity will empty it in 24 minutes ? Ans. 25 pipes. 15. If a field will feed 6 cows 91 days, how long will it feed 21 cows ? Ans. 26 days. 16. If the quartern... | |
 | Arithmetic - 1817 - 212 pages
...dollars 50 •cts.' what must be paid for 17 cwt. 3 qrs. 14 Ib. ? Ans. $241,31i cents. 8. A cistern has a pipe which will empty it in 10 hours: how many pipes of the same capacity will empty it in 30 minutes ? Ans. 20. 9. How many yards of paper, 2-i feet wide, will be required to cover a wall,... | |
 | Daniel Adams - Arithmetic - 1819 - 236 pages
...length, that is 3 inches broad, will make a square foot ? ./Ins. 48 inches. 14. There is a cistern baring 1 pipe which will empty it in 10 hours, how many pipes of the same capacity will empty it in 24 minutes ? Jlns. 26 pipes. 15. If a field will feed 6 cowi 91 days, how long will it feed 21 cows 1 Jlns. 26... | |
 | Daniel Adams - Arithmetic - 1820 - 240 pages
...How much in length, that it 3 inches broad, will make a square foot ? Jim. 48 inches. 14. There i» a cistern having 1 pipe which will empty it in 10...pipes of the same capacity will empty it in 24 minutes ? Jlns. 25 pipes. 15. If a field will feed 6 cows 91 days, how long will it feed 21 cows 1 Jlns, 26... | |
 | James Maginness - Arithmetic - 1821 - 378 pages
...sd *. oz. oz. 7 6 : 6 : : 10 : 8 Ans. 8. There is a cistern, having a pipe that will empty it in 6 hours; how many pipes of the same capacity will empty it in 20 mintes? mi. h. pi. pipes. 20 : 6 : : 1 : 18 Ans.9. If 4 men can thrash 20 bolls of wheat in 6 days,... | |
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