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" RULE. Find an answer, as before, by linking ; then say, As the sum of the quantities, or differences, thus determined, is to the given quantity, so is each ingredient found by linking, to the required quantity of each. "
Elements of Arithmetic - Page 183
by Etienne Bézout - 1824 - 219 pages
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The School-master's Guide: Or, a Complete System of Practical Arithmetic ...

Charles Hutton - Arithmetic - 1766 - 214 pages
...the linkmg, by faying, As the total quantity fo found, is to the given quantity, fo is the quanty of each ingredient, found by linking, to the required quantity of each. EXAMPLES. " i . How much wine at 4/. at 5 s. at ˇs. 6d. and ц 6s. a gallon, muft be mixed together, to form...
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A New System of Mercantile Arithmetic: Adapted to the Commerce of the United ...

Michael Walsh - Arithmetic - 1801 - 268 pages limited to a cert/tin quantity. I RULE. Find an anfwer as before by linking; then fay, As the fum of the quantities, or differences thus determined, is to the given quantity, fo is each ingredient, found by linking, to the required quantity of each. EXAMPLES. 6. How many gallons...
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The New Complete System of Arithmetic: Composed for the Use of the Citizens ...

Nicolas Pike - Arithmetic - 1802 - 352 pages
...differences between the mean rate, and the feveral prices alternately, аз in Cafe ift. Then, As the fum of the quantities, or differences thus determined, is to the given quantity or whole compofition ; fo is the difference of each rate, to the required quantity of each rate. EXAMPLES....
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A Complete Treatise on Arithmetic, Rational and Practical: Wherein the ...

Paul Deighan - Arithmetic - 1804 - 500 pages
...linking, by faying, as the total quantity fo found is to the given quantity, fo is the quantity of each ingredient, found by linking, to the required quantity of each. EXAMPLES. 12. How much wine at 45. at 58. at 55. 6"d. and at 61. per gallon, muft be mixed together, to form...
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A New System of Mercantile Arithmetic: Adapted to the Commerce of the United ...

Michael Walsh - Arithmetic - 1807 - 288 pages
...water. " When the whole camposition is limited te a certain quantity. \ RULE. Find an answer as before by linking ; then say, As the sum of the quantities,...linking, to the required quantity of each. EXAMPLES. 6. How many gallons of water must be mixed with win* worth 3s. per gallon, so as to fill a vessel of...
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The New Complete System of Arithmetick: Composed for the Use of the Citizens ...

Nicolas Pike - Arithmetic - 1807 - 372 pages
...differences between the mean rate, and the feveral prices alternately, as in Cafe '[ft. Then, As the fum of the quantities, or differences thus determined, is to the given quantity or whole competition ; fo is the difference of each rate, to the required quanti ty of each rate. EXAMPLES....
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Mathematics: Compiled from the Best Authors, and Intended to be ..., Volume 1

Samuel Webber - Mathematics - 1808 - 466 pages
...simples are 92 and 52, and of the compound (54 , therefore f92 — f 12 of copper, 64 \ (.5.' i .»f the quantities, or differences thus determined, is...the .required quantity of each. " . EXAMPLES. 1. How many gallons of water at Os. per gallon, must be mixed with wine worth 3s. per gallon, so as to fill...
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A New and Complete System of Arithmetick: Composed for the Use of the ...

Nicolas Pike - Algebra - 1808 - 470 pages
...Place the differences between the mean rate, and the several prices alternately, as in Case 1 ; then, as the sum of the quantities, or differences thus determined, is to the given quantity, or whole composition ; so is the difference of each rate, to the required quantity of each rate. EXAMPLES....
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A Course of Mathematics ...: Composed for the Use of the Royal Military ...

Charles Hutton - Mathematics - 1811 - 406 pages
...water. RULE II. WHEN the whole composition is limited to a certain quantity : Find an rinswer as before by linking ; then say, as the sum of the quantities,...linking, to the required quantity of each. EXAMPLES. iJ. How much gold of 15, 17, 18, and 22 caracts fine, must be mixed together, to form a composition...
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A Course of Mathematics: For the Use of Academies as Well as Private Tuition

Charles Hutton - Mathematics - 1812 - 622 pages
...water. RULE II. WHEN the whole composition is limited to a certain quantity : Find an answer as before by linking ; then say, as the sum of the quantities,...the required quantity of each. EXAMPLES. 1. How much gold of 15, 17, 18, and 22 caracts fine, must be mixed together, to form a composition of 40 oz of...
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