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early, and know the Will of God, and receive his Mercies, and enjoy great Advantages; But there are but few who improve themselves proportionably to those Advantages, and use them worthily, fo as to attain an excellent and extraordinary Reward.

17. After these things, Jesus knowing that the time of his Sufferings drew nigh, went up towards Jerufalem. And, that his Apoftles might be prepared against the Storm that was coming upon them, he took the Twelve afide, as they were going in the Way, and reminded them again, saying:

18. We are going up to Jerufalem; and I would have you remember, that, as I told you before, 'tis the Will of God that I should at last be delivered into the Hands of the Chief Priests and Scribes, who have hitherto laid wait for me; and they shall cause me to be condemned to Death by an unjust Judgment:

19. And they shall deliver me over to the Roman Soldiers, to be abused and mocked, to be beaten and spit upon, and at last to be ignominiously crucified among Malefactors: But on the third Day I will rise again.

20 & 21. Then Salome the Wife of Zebedee, with her two Sons, James and John, thinking that immediately after this Refurrection which Jesus spake of, he would appear in great Pomp and Glory to restore to the Jews a temporal Kingdom; came to him, and defired that those her two Sons, who had hitherto been his conftant Disciples and Followers, might at the opening of his Kingdom have the chief Places of Honour under

17 And Jesus going up to Jerufalem, took the twelve difciples apart in the way, and faid unto them,

18 Behold, we go up to Jerufalem, and the fon of man shall be betrayed unto the chief priests, and unto the scribes, and they shall condemn him to death,

19 And shall deliver him to the Gentiles to mock and to

scourge and to cru

cifie him: and the third day he shall rise again.

20 Then came to him the mother of Zebedee's children, with her fons, worshipping him, and defiring a

thing of him.


21 And he said unto her, What wilt thou? She faith unto him, Grant that these my two fons may fit, the one on thy

thy right hand, and him, and be next in Dignity to his

the other on the left

in thy kingdom.
22 But Jesus an-
fivered and faid, Ye
know not what ye
ask. Are ye able to
drink of the cup that
I shall drink of, and
to be baptized with
the baptism that I
am baptized with?

They say unto him,

are able.

23 And he faith unto them, Ye shall drink indeed of my cup, and be baptized with the baptifm that I am baptized with: but to fit on

my right hand, and on my left, is not mine to give, but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my Father. 24 And when the ten heard it, they moved with indignation against


the two brethren.

25 But Jesus called them unto him,

and faid, Ye know the princes of the Gentiles exercife do

own Perfon.

22. Jesus answered: Ye are in a
great mistake, and understand not what
ye ask: My Kingdom is not, as ye
fondly imagine, a temporal Kingdom,
confifting in earthly Glory and Great-
ness; but it is a Spiritual Kingdom,
confifting only in Holiness, Righteouf-
ness, and Godliness, and in the Spiritual
Rewards of these Divine Virtues: And

Places of Dignity therein, are not to be
expected by Favour or Affection; but
to be attained by Humility, by Patience
and Sufferings. Can ye therefore fol-
low my Example in bearing patiently
Injuries, Sufferings, and Death? They
faid, We can.

23. Jesus replied: Ye shall indeed
follow me in Perfecutions and Suffer-
ings, and may thereby attain a Place
in my Kingdom and a Share in my
Rewards; But for the Chief Seat of
Preheminence and Dignity above o-
thers, this is not mine to dispose of by
any absolute Favour, but must be be-
stowed upon those Persons, and accord-
ing to those Conditions and Qualifica-
tions, which God hath appointed.

24. Now when the other ten Apostles heard what these two Brethren defired, and what Answer Jesus gave them, they were angry and moved with indignation against them; not without something of the fame Ambition and Envy in themselves, for fear the two Brothers should have been preferred before Them

25. But Jefus called them all to him, and faid; Ye have all yet a very wrong Apprehenfion of the Matter. Among the Gentiles indeed, and in the King

K 2



doms of this present World, men strive ambitioufly to get the Dominion one over another; and they who are greatest in Riches and Power, have the greatest Honour and Respect paid them by others:

26. But among you I will have things ordered by other Measures. He that defires to be Great and Honourable

among You, let him feek to deferve his Honour, by Meekness and Lowliness; and let him excercise his Power, not in domineering over any, but in assisting and doing good to All.

27. And he that desires to have the Dignity and Preheminence among you, let him be eminent for his Humility and Readiness to serve all Men.

28. For thus even I my self came not into the World to exercise Power and Dominion, to rule over Men, and to be served by them; but to serve, and affift, and to do good to all Men, with all Humility, Meekness and Gentleness; and to lay down my Life for the Redemption of Mankind.

29. When Jesus had finished these Discourses, he travelled on with his Difciples towards Jerufalem; and when they had passed through Jericho, a very great multitude of People followed him.

30. And as they went in the Way, there fat two blind Men by the Roadfide; who hearing by the Multitude, that Jesus who had worked fo many Miracles in the Land, was now going along that way, they cried out, saying: Lord, we believe you to be a Teacher fent from God, and that you do these wonderful Works by his Power and Commiffion: We beseech you, have pity on us.

minion over them, and they that are great, exercise authority upon them.

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31 And the multitude rebuked them, because they should hold their peace: but they cryed the more, faying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou

fon of David.

32 And Jesus stood still, and called them, and faid, What will ye that I shall do unto you ?

33 They say unto him, Lord, that our eyes may be opened. 34 So Jesus had compaffion on them, and touched their

eyes: and immediately their eyes re

ceived fight, and they

followed him.

31. But the multitude chid them, bidding them not make such a Noise to disturb and stop Jesus. Nevertheless they continued crying cut, and That the more vehemently; Lord, we believe you to be the Meffias, have pity

on us.

32. Then Jesus stood still, and commanded them to be called to him; and when they came, he asked them, what they defired he should do.

33. They faid; Lord, we have heard of the many mighty Works which you have done for the Relief of fuch miferable Persons as we are, and we defire you would restore to us our fight.

34. Then Jesus took pity on them, and touched their Eyes; and their Sight was immediately restored, and they followed him in the Way.

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Christ rideth into Jerusalem, ver. 1. Driveth the Traders out of the Temple, ver. 12. Children make Acclamations to Jefus, ver. 14. Jefus curseth the Fig tree, ver. 18. Silences the Fows with a Question about John the Baptift's Authority, ver. 23. Shows by the Similitude of two Sons, that the Jews were worse than the Gentiles, ver. 28. The Parable of the Vineyard let out to Husbandmen, ver. 33. The Pharifees Indignation at it, ver. 45.

1. NOW when Jefus and his Difciples drew nigh to Jerufalem, and were come as far as Bethphage, at the foot of the Mount of Olives; Jesus knowing that the appointed time of his Sufferings approached, fought now no longer to conceal himself, but refolved to enter publickly into Jerufalem.

AND when they drew nigh unto Jerusalein, and were come to Bethunto the mount of Olives, then fent Jesus two difciples,



Saying unto

2. Calling therefore two of his Difciples to him, he fent them into the them, Go into the

neighbouring Village, saying; Go and take the Ass and Colt, which ye shall find tied up in a Corner of the Street, and bring them hither to me.

3. And if any Man ask you, What you have to do with them; fay, The Mafter wants them; and the Divine Providence shall so order the circumstances of things, that at that Answer they shall be willing to let you have them.

4. (All this Jesus did, that in Him might be fulfilled these Prophecies :

village over against you, and straight way ye shall find an ass tied, and a colt with her: loose them, and bring them unto me.

3 And if any man say ought unto you, ye shall say, The Lord hath need of them; and straightway he will send them.

4 All this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying,

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