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" But we their sons, a pamper'd race of men, Are dwindled down to three-score years and ten. Better to hunt in fields for health unbought, Than fee the doctor for a nauseous draught. "
Sir Roger de Coverley. Reimpr. from The Spectator - Page 85
by Joseph Addison - 1883
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The Spectator: ...

1718 - 348 pages
...all my Country Fnends, as the beft Kind of Phyfick for . mending a bad Conftitution, and preferving a good one. I cannot do this better, than in the following Liaes out of Mr. Dryden. THE frfl fhypcians by Ttebauch vere matli, By Chafe our Img-lwd Fathers eam'd...
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The Spectator, Volume 2

1729 - 342 pages
...all my Country Friends, as the beft kind of Phyfick for mending a b.iJ Conftitution, and prefervinga good one. I cannot do this better, than in the following Lines out of Mr. Dry den. THE firft Phyflcians by Debauch were maiie-t Excefs began, and Sloth fufains tht Trade* Sj...
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The Spectator, Volume 2

English essays - 1739 - 346 pages
...all my Country Friends, as the beft kind of Phyiick for mending a bad Conftitution, and preferving a good one. I cannot do this better, than in the following Lines ĞLUt of Mr. Dryden, THE. THE frft Phyjicians ty Debauch 'were made ; Excefs began, and Sloth fujla...
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Bell's Edition, Volumes 43-44

John Bell - English poetry - 1778 - 440 pages
...chas'd. 70 So liv'd our sires ere doctors learn'd to kill, And multiply'd with theirs the weekly hill. The first physicians by debauch were made ; Excess began, and sloth sustains, the trade. Pity the gen'rous kind thejr cares bestow, 75 To search forhidden truths; (a sin to know) To which,...
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Harrison's British Classicks, Volume 4

1786 - 694 pages all my country friends, at the bed kind of phyfic for mending a bad conftitution, and preferving a good one. I cannot do this better than in the following lines out of Mr. Dryden. The firft phyficiani by debauch were made; Г jcccis began, and (loth Curtains the trade. By chace our...
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The Critical and Miscellaneous Prose Works of John Dryden ..., Volume 1, Part 1

John Dryden - 1800 - 606 pages
..." So liv'd our sires, ere doctors learn'd to kill, " And multiply'd with theirs the weekly bill. " The first physicians by debauch were made ; " Excess began, and sloth sustains the trade. " Pity, the gen'rous kind their cares bestow " To search forbidden truths ; (a sin to know :) " To...
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The Critical and Miscellaneous Prose Works of John Dryden ..., Volume 1, Issue 1

John Dryden, Edmond Malone - English prose literature - 1800 - 601 pages
..." So liv'd our sires, ere doctors learn'd to kill, " And multiply'd with theirs the weekly bill. " The first physicians by debauch were made,; " Excess began, and sloth sustains the trade. *' Pity, the gen'rous kind their cares bestow " To search forbidden truths ; (a sin to know :) *' To...
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The Critical and Miscellaneous Prose Works of John Dryden, Now First ...

John Dryden - 1800 - 622 pages
...our sires, ere doctors learn 'd to kill, ' • " And multiply'd with theirs the weekly bill. • " The first physicians by debauch were made; " Excess began, and sloth sustains the trade. " Pity, the gen'rous kind their cares bestow " To search forbidden truths ; (a sin to know :) " To...
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The British Essayists: The Spectator

Alexander Chalmers - English essays - 1802 - 366 pages
...prescribe the moderate use of this exercise to all jn^ country friends, as the best kind of physic for mending a bad constitution, and preserving a I cannot do this better, tha.n in the following line* out of Mr. Dryden ; The first physicians by debauch were made j Excess began, and Sloth sustains...
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The British essayists; with prefaces by A. Chalmers, Volume 7

British essayists - 1802 - 342 pages
...bad constitution, and preserving 3 good one. I cannot do this better, than in the following line* put of Mr. Dryden : The first physicians by debauch were...made ; Excess began, and Sloth sustains the trade. By chase our long-liv'd fathers earn'd their food | Toil strung the nerves, and purify'd the blood ; But...
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