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Common terms and phrases
advance advantage adversary B-Kt better Bishop Pawn Black King Black Pawn Black wins BxKt BXP+ capture Castles centre Chess counter attack course defence diagonal draw drawn exchange favour gain Gambit Giuoco Piano give goes to Queen K-Kt sq K-R sq King and Pawn King Knight King Pawn King's Knight Pawn KR-K Kt-B Kt-K B3 Kt-Kt Kt-Q Kt-R KtxB KtxKt KtXP KtXR lose mate movement number of moves obstruction open file opponent opposing King P-K Kt P-KR passed Pawn position PX Kt PxKt PXP+ Q-Kt QR-K Queen Pawn Queen side QXKt QXP+ R-K B sq R-K Kt sq R-K sq R-Kt reply Rook file Rook Pawn RxKt RXR+ second player sixth rank sq P-B sq P-Kt stalemate superior force take the Knight White King White Pawn White wins دو ਨੂੰ
Popular passages
Page 282 - ... and it is therefore best that these rules should be observed, as the game thereby becomes more the image of human life, and particularly of war, in which if you have incautiously put yourself into a bad and dangerous position, you cannot obtain your enemy's leave to withdraw your troops and place them more securely, but you must abide all the consequences of your rashness.
Page 197 - PXP 3 Kt— KB 3 P— K Kt 4 4 B— B 4 B— Kt 2 5 P— KR 4 P— KR 3 6 P— Q 4 P— Q 3 12 13 R— B sq.
Page 27 - If, in the course of a game, a player move a man -when it is not his turn to play, he must retract the said move, and, after his adversary has moved, must play the man wrongly moved, if it can be played legally.
Page 123 - You see that two armies are two bodies which meet, and endeavour to frighten each other: a moment of panic occurs, and that moment must be turned to advantage. When a man has been present in many actions, he distinguishes that moment without difficulty : it is as easy as casting up an addition.
Page 27 - A player may at any time call upon his adversary to mate him within fifty moves (move and reply being counted as one). If by the expiration of such fifty moves no piece or Pawn has been captured, nor Pawn moved, nor mate given, a draw can then be obtained.
Page 28 - In the event of proof that a clock or glass has recorded incorrect time, the umpire shall be empowered to make such adjustment in the record of the time as he shall consider equitable in view of the circumstances disclosed, provided that he shall make no allowance in the case of actual stoppage of a clock, it being the duty of a player to see that his adversary's clock is set going.
Page 26 - The right of making the first move, and (if either player require it) of choosing the color, which shall be retained throughout the sitting, must be decided by lot. In any series of games between the same players at one sitting, each shall have the first move alternately in all the games, whether won or drawn. In an annulled game, the player who had the first move in that game shall move first in the next. IV.— COMMENCING OUT OF TURN. If a player make the first move in a game when it is not his...
Page 123 - In all battles a moment occurs when the bravest troops, after having made the greatest efforts, feel inclined to run. That terror proceeds from a want of confidence in their own courage, and it only requires a slight opportunity, a pretence, to restore confidence to them.
Page 26 - If, at any time in the course of a game, it is found that the men were not properly placed, or that one or more of them were omitted at the beginning, the game in question must be annulled. If at any time it is discovered that a man has been dropped off the board, and moves have been made during its absence, such moves shall be retracted, and the man restored.
Page 220 - Evans, 1 P— K 4, P — K 4; 2 Kt —KB 3, Kt — QB 3; 3 B — B 4, B— B 4; 4 P — QKt 4.