| James Thomson - English drama - 1730 - 100 pages
...leaves the Schools ; to which is added, fomc Obfervations on ihe Office of an Ambaflador. 4. A Syftem of Heraldry, Speculative and Practical •. With the true Art of Blazon, according to the moft approved Heralds in Europe. Illultrated with fuitable Examples of armorial Figures at Atchievements... | |
| 1818 - 688 pages
...portion of that period, ist die dritte Ausgabe in 8. erschienen, 1817. Von dee Alex. Nisbct Werke: A System of Heraldry, speculative and practical; with...most considerable Surnames and Families in Scotland etc. together with historical and genealogical Memoir* relative thereto, ist eine neue Ausgabe in zwey... | |
| Thomas Moule - Great Britain - 1822 - 718 pages
...without being able to ascertain the truths." — Preface to Caledonia, CCCCLXIV. A. NISBET. — 1722. A System of Heraldry, Speculative and Practical ;...Illustrated with suitable examples of Armorial Figures, and Atchievements of the most considerable Sirnames and Families in Scotland, &c. Together with Historical... | |
| Thomas Moule - Great Britain - 1822 - 708 pages
...without being able to ascertain the truths."' — Preface to Caledonia. CCCCLXIV. A. NISBET. — 1722. A System of Heraldry, Speculative and Practical ;...Illustrated with suitable examples of Armorial Figures, and Atchievements of the most considerable Sirnames and Families in Scotland, &c. Together with Historical... | |
| lady Charlotte Susan M. Bury - 1822 - 1368 pages
...protection for the trade proposed to be carried on. A new edition, 2 vols. folio, with SI plates, £7, 7s. A SYSTEM OF HERALDRY, Speculative and Practical ; with the true Art of Blazon, iccnrding to the most approved Heralds in Europe. Illustrated with suitable Examples of Armorial Figures... | |
| Christian Samuel Theodor Bernd - Classification - 1830 - 746 pages
...la. a. fig. [N. I, 33. 446. — i fl.] ig44- A system of heraldry speculative and practical; with Uic true art of blazon, according to the most approved heralds in Europe, by Alex. Ni she t Ediub.' 1722. fw culs. [B. Zoch. 579. 5533; N. IV, i. 2. — i5 fl.] — with Ihc... | |
| Walter Scott - Private libraries - 1838 - 490 pages
...those in North of England, fol. . . . Lond. 1726 See Note to The Monastery, vol. i. Nisbet's (Alex.) System of Heraldry, Speculative and Practical, with the True Art of Blazon, &c. 4d edit. 2 vole. fol. ..... Edin. 1804 See Note to hanhoe. PROSE WORKS, vol. vii. pp. 199, 214,... | |
| Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne - Great Britain - 1839 - 162 pages
...Baronets of Scotland as are of English Families, by the Rev. W. Betham, 5 vols., 4to. Ipswich 1801-1805 . A System of Heraldry, speculative and practical, with the true Art of Blazon ; with historical and genealogical Memoirs relative thereto, by Alexander Nisbet, 2 vols., fol. Edinburgh... | |
| Society of antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne - 1839 - 108 pages
...Baronets of Scotland as are of English Families, by the Rev. W. Betham, 5 vols., 4to. Ipswich 1801-1805 A System of Heraldry, speculative and practical, with the true Art of Blazon ; with historical and genealogical Memoirs relative thereto, by Alexander Nisbet, 2 vols., fol. Edinburgh... | |
| John Eddowes (bookseller.) - 1840 - 536 pages
...PAPER, PROOFS, half-bound morocco, £'24. NISBET'S SYSTEM OF HERALDRY, Speculative and Practical ; with suitable Examples of Armorial Figures, and Achievements of the most considerable Families in Scotland; 2 vols. folio, numerous Coats of Arms, published at £7. 7s. — reduced to £2.... | |
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