Catalogue Or Alphabetical Index of the Astor Library: In Two Parts : Part I, Authors and Books A-[Z, and Supplement]., Volume 3

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R. Craighead, printer, 1859 - Library catalogs

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Page 1450 - CÉRÉMONIES ET COUTUMES RELIGIEUSES DE TOUS LES PEUPLES du monde représentées par des figures dessinées de la main de Bernard Picart, avec une explication historique et quelques dissertations curieuses.
Page 1000 - A General Dictionary of Geography, Descriptive, Physical, Statistical, and Historical ; forming a complete Gazetteer of the World. By A. KEITH JOHNSTON, FRSE 8vo. 31s. 6d. M'Culloch's Dictionary, Geographical, Statistical, and Historical, of the various Countries, Places, and principal Natural Objects in the World.
Page 1164 - The Koran, commonly called the Alcoran of MOHAMMED; translated, into English immediately from the original Arabic. With explanatory notes, taken from the most approved Comme.ntators. To which is prefixed a preliminary discourse, by GEORGE SALE, Gent.
Page 1349 - An inquiry into the origin and early history of engraving upon copper and in wood, with an account of engravers and their works, from the invention of chalcography by Maso Finiguerra, to the time of Marc
Page 1294 - A system of heraldry, speculative and practical, with the true art of blazon according to the most approved heralds in Europe, illustrated with suitable examples of armorial figures and achievements of the most considerable surnames and families in Scotland, &c.
Page 1419 - PENROSE'S (REv. JOHN) Faith and Practice ; an Exposition of the Principles and Duties of Natural and Revealed Religion. Post Svo. Ss. 6d. (FC) Principles of Athenian Architecture, and the Optical Refinements exhibited in the Construction of the Ancient Buildings at Athens, from a Survey. With 40 Plates. Folio.
Page 1117 - Instruction sur les mesures déduites de la grandeur de la terre , uniformes pour toute la République , et sur les calculs relatifs à leur division décimale ; par la Commission temporaire des poids et mesures républicaines , en exécution des décrets de la Convention nationale. Parii. An II. Lepelit. 1 vol. in-8".
Page 1453 - Pictorial History of England. Being a History of the People as well as a History of the Kingdom, down to the Reign of George III.
Page 1148 - History of Muhammedanism : comprising the Life and Character of the Arabian Prophet, and succinct Accounts of the Empires founded by the Muhammedan Arms : an Inquiry into the Theology, Morality, Laws, Literature, and Usages of the Muselmans, and a View of the present State and Extent of the Muhammedan Religion.
Page 1097 - La même. - historiques et géographiques sur les pays situés entre la mer noire et la mer Caspienne...

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