Life of George Washington, Volume 2

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G.P. Putnam & Company, 1855 - Celebrities

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Page 254 - The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forevermore.
Page 463 - You can form no idea of the perplexity of my situation. No man I believe ever had a greater choice of evils and less means to extricate himself from them. However, under a full persuasion of the justice of our cause, I cannot entertain an idea that it will finally sink, though it may remain for some time under a cloud.
Page 296 - Why should they risk so much in defending a city, while the greater part of its inhabitants were plotting their destruction ? His advice was, that, when they could defend the city no longer, they should evacuate, and burn it, and retire from Manhattan Island ; should avoid any general action, or indeed any action, unless in view of great advantages ; and should make it a war of posts. During the latter part of July, and the early part of August, ships of war with their tenders continued to arrive,...
Page 457 - I do not expect, turns up, we are lost ; our counsels have been weak to the last degree. As to what relates to yourself, if you think you can be in time to aid the General, I would have you by all means go ; you will at least save your army.
Page 461 - Voltaire has remarked that King William never appeared to full advantage but in difficulties and in action; the same remark may be made on General Washington, for the character fits him. There is a natural firmness in some minds which cannot be unlocked by trifles, but which, when unlocked, discovers a cabinet of fortitude...
Page 463 - It may be thought that I am going a good deal out of the line of my duty to adopt these measures or to advise thus freely. A character to lose, an estate to forfeit, the inestimable blessings of liberty at stake and a life devoted must be my excuse.
Page 254 - When I look back to the year 1761, and recollect the argument concerning writs of assistance in the superior court, which I have hitherto considered as the commencement of the controversy between Great Britain and America, and run through the whole period, from that time to this, and recollect the series of political events, the chain of causes and effects, I am surprised at the suddenness as well as greatness of this revolution.
Page 58 - If Lord Chatham's son should be in Canada, and in any way should fall into your power, you are enjoined to treat him with all possible deference and respect. You cannot err in paying too much honor to the son of so illustrious a character, and so true a friend to America.
Page 336 - Men just dragged from the tender scenes of domestic life, unaccustomed to the din of arms, totally unacquainted with every kind of military skill (which...
Page 48 - The Congress having done me the honor of electing me a brigadier-general in their service, is an event which must put an end for a while, perhaps for ever, to the quiet scheme of life I had prescribed for myself ; for, though entirely unexpected and undesired by me, the will of an oppressed people, compelled to choose between liberty and slavery, must be obeyed.

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