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" Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread ? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness. "
Sermons - Page 244
by William Jay - 1805 - 478 pages
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A Cloud of Witnesses for the Royal Prerogatives of Jesus Christ: Being the ...

Jesus Christ, John Henderson Thomson - Christian martyrs - 1871 - 720 pages
...Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness. Incline your ear, and come unto me : hear, and your soul shall...
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A Creed Founded on Truth and Common Sense: With Some Strictures on the ...

John Dove - Apologetics - 1750 - 162 pages you fpend your Money for that which is not Bread? and your Labour for that which fatisfieth not ? Hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your Soul delight in. Fatnefs, &c. The .' . [ 102 ] 6, 9) J2, I5» 19. Ztfp£. ii. 5. iii. i. Z<?f£....
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Sermons on various subjects, with a preface [by J. Duchal].

John Abernethy - 1751 - 420 pages
...for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which fatisfieth not ? Hearken diligently unt& me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your foul delight iff elf infatnefs ; incline your ear to me, and come j hear^ and your foul Jhall live. And, to the...
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An Explication of the First Part of the Assembly's Shorter Catechism ...

Thomas Boston - 1755 - 320 pages
...fpend * money for that which is not bread ? and your ' labour for that which fatisfieth not? heark' en diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is * good, and let your foul delight itfelf in fatnefs. 1 Incline your ear, and come unto me : hear, and ' your foul mall live, and I will make an everlaft'...
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Discourses on the whole chapter of Isaiah. To which is added, the ...

Nehemiah Walter - 1755 - 550 pages
...benefit of diligently hearkening to CHRIST. DISCOURSE III. ISAIAH LV. 2. — Hearken diligently unto me ; that which is good, and let your foul delight itfelf in fatnefs. N the former part of this verfe, our Lord Jefus Chrift blames finners for /pending their money for...
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A Friendly Epistle to the Deists: And a Rational Prayer Recommended to Them ...

Edward Goldney - Conversion - 1760 - 192 pages
...*' fpend your money for that which is not bread ; and " your labour for that which fatisfieth not ? hearken '* diligently unto me, and eat ye that which...delight itfelf in fatnefs. Incline " your ear, and go unto Chrift, and your foul mall " live," Ifa. Iv. 2, 3. Receive the divine word of his grace with...
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The Works of the Long-mournful and Sorely-distressed Isaac ..., Volume 2

Isaac Penington - Society of Friends - 1761 - 698 pages
...Wherefore do ye fpend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which fatisfietb not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your foul delight itfelf in fatncfs. Incline your ear, and come unto me ; hear, and your foul Jhall live ; and I will make an everlajling...
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The Christian common prayer book, or universal liturgy ... adapted to the ...

Cheyney Hart - 1761 - 274 pages
...Ye fpend your Money for that " which is not Bread ? and your Labor for that which " fatisfieth not ? hearken diligently unto me, and eat Ye •" that which is good, and let your Soul delight itfelf irr « Fatnefs. I. " TTO, EVERY ONE that thirfteth, come Ye to II " the Waters;...
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The Confessions of Faith, Catechisms, Directories, Form of Church-government ...

Church of Scotland - Presbyterianism - 1764 - 648 pages
...Wherefore dayt fpsndyciir Money for that which is not Bread, and 'jiur Labour for that whi;hfatisfieth not? Hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and lit } -wr Soul delight itfelf in Fatnefs. Verfe 3. Incline your Ear and come unto me, hear ar.dyour...
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The confession of faith, the larger and shorter catechisms, with the ...

Assembly of divines confess. and catech - 1765 - 626 pages
...doye fpend your money for thatwbx" is not bread? and your labour for that which fatisßeth rittHearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that -which is good, and let your foul delight itfeifinfatnefs. ver. 3 Incline your tur, and come unto me : hear, and your foul ßall live, andlw"...
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