| William Fordyce Mavor - World history - 1803 - 498 pages
...conveyed in, a state of insensibility to Osnaburgh, where he expired on Sunday, the llth of June, 1727, in the sixty-eighth year of his age, and the thirteenth of his reign. George I. was of a moderate stature ; his featuri tures were regular ,and manly, and his countenance... | |
| B. Lambert - London (England) - 1806 - 616 pages
...which he soon after died. On the eleventh of June, 1727, his majesty, George I. died at Osnaburgh, in the sixty-eighth year of his age, and the thirteenth of his reign. CHAP. XXXVII. Succession of George II.—The Royal Family entertained at Guildhall.—Attempt to rob... | |
| Oliver Goldsmith - Great Britain - 1808 - 340 pages
...bid them hasten to Osnaburgh. Then falling insensibly into Fabrice's airns, he never recovered, but expired about eleven o'clock the next morning, in...year of his age, and the thirteenth of his reign. CHAP. XXXV. GEORGE II. UPON the death of George the First, his son, George the Second, came to the... | |
| Oliver Goldsmith - 1810 - 386 pages
...bid them hasten to Osnaburgh. Then falling insensibly into Fabrice's arms, he never recovered, but expired about eleven o'clock the next morning, in...sixty-eighth year of his age, and the thirteenth of his rt'ign. CHAP. XXXV. GEORGE II. UPON the death of George the First, his son, George the Second, came... | |
| Oliver Goldsmith - 1810 - 308 pages
...bid them hasten to Osiuiburgh. Then failing insensible into Fabrice's arms, he never recovered, but expired about eleven o'clock the next morning, in the sixty-eighth year of his age, and thirteenth of his reign. Whatever was good or great in the reign of this monarch ought to be ascribed... | |
| Oliver Goldsmith - 1812 - 400 pages
...hid them hasten to Osnaburg. Then falling insensible into Fabrice'i* arms, he never recovered-, but expired about eleven o'clock the next morning, in...year of his age, and the thirteenth of his reign. U 2 CHAPTER XXXV. GEORGE II. AD 1727—176U The Spaniards were the first nation who shewed the futility... | |
| John Bigland, Jedidiah Morse - Geography - 1812 - 470 pages
...national concerns under George J. This monarch died suddenly at Osnaburg, on the llth of June, 1727, in the sixty-eighth year of his age, and the thirteenth of his reign. He was a moderate and sagacious prince; and. during the greatest part of the time that he swayed the... | |
| Oliver Goldsmith - Great Britain - 1823 - 398 pages
...Oznaburgh. Then falling insensible into Fa1727 brice's arms, he never recovered, but expired abotit eleven o'clock the next morning, in the sixty-eighth...year of his age, and the thirteenth of his reign. Exercises. How was the University of Oxford treated ? What success attended Derwentwater and Forster... | |
| Oliver Goldsmith - Great Britain - 1823 - 494 pages
...Fabrice's arms, he never recovered, but June 11, expired about eleven o'clock the next morningv 1727. in the sixty-eighth year of his age, and the thirteenth of his reign. Whatever was good or great in the reign of this monarch, ought to be ascribed chiefly to himself: whenever... | |
| 1824 - 588 pages
...King's tongue began to swell,-and he had just strength enough to bid them hasten to the next town. lie expired about eleven o'clock the next morning, in...was in the year seventeen hundred and twenty-seven. . JS ON EPITAPHS. To the Editor of the Cottagers Monthly Visitor. SIR, HAVING lately visited the parish... | |
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