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District Clerk's Office.

BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the eighth day of January, A.D (L. S.) 1827, in the fifty-first year of the Independence of the United States of America, Samuel G. Drake, of the said District, has deposited in this office the title of a Book, the right whereof he claims as proprietor in the words following, TO WIT:

"The History of Philip's War, commonly called the Great Indian War of 1675 and 1676. Also, of the French and Indian Wars at the Eastward, in 1689, 1690, 1692,1696, and 1704. By Thomas Church, Esq.-With numerous notes to explain the situation of the places of Battles, the particular Geography of the ravaged Country, and the lives of the principal persons engaged in those wars. Also, an Appendix, containing an account of the Treatment of the Natives by the early voyagers, the settlement of N. England by the Forefathers, the Pequot War, narratives of persons carried into captivity, anecdotes of the Indians, and the most important late Indian Wars to the time of the Creek War. By Samuel G. Drake. Second Edition with plates.

The unexampled achievements of our fathers should not be forgotten.



What wars they wag'd, what seas, what dangers past, What glorious empire crown'd their toils at last. In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled "An Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by securing the Copies of Maps, Charts and Books, to the Authors and Proprietors of such Copies, during the times therein mentioned:" and also to an Act entitled "An Act supplementary to an Act entitled, An Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by securing the Copies of Maps, Charts and Books to the Authors and Proprietors of such Copies during the times therein mentioned and extending the benefits thereof to the Arts of Designing, Engraving and Etching Historical and other prints."

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HURCH'S History of "King Philip's War," &c. was first published at Boston, in 1716, in quarto. It was reprinted in Newport, in 1772, in octavo. I have never met with a copy of the first edition, therefore І сору from the second. This is now very scarce and rarely to be met with. It is however preserved in some private libraries in the old colony, in the Atheneum at Boston, and other literary institutions there and elsewhere.

The lamentable manner in which Hutchinson in his History of Massachusetts passed over the Indian wars, causes us much regret, and a desire to catch at every thing that can give any light upon them. He is particular in relating the witch affairs of the colony, but when we have followed him into Philip's war, being led at first with interesting particulars, he stops short and says, "It is not my design to enter into every minute circumstance of the war." But does not tell us why. This is the more to be lamented, as his means were more ample for such history than can now be had.

In 1825 I published a small edition of this history, containing however but few additions to the old, which being immediately taken up, occasioned the early appearance of this. In an early period it was designed to publish the work as it now appears. cordingly many valuable papers and rare works had been collected, but not used in the first edition, on


account of the magnitude and early promise of the work.

The papers had been much forwarded previous to the Courtstreet fire, of 10 November, 1825, in the time of which a trunk was stolen, containing many of the manuscript notes, relating particularly to the biography of the principal persons that figured in the Indian wars. These in many instances I could not restore, which is very much regretted; though not more than my want of information on subjects in general. But a consciousness is felt, that something though small, is redeemed from oblivion, which will be thought valuable by posterity.

Of such gentlemen as have had the opportunities of many years to examine the history of our country, together with every advantage from access to all publick and private documents, I have every indulgence to ask.

In regard to the accurate performance of the work, I can only observe, that a scrupulous regard to accuracy has been paid; yet, errours may have been committed, but in no case inadvertently. And as our most authentick historians have failed in many of these points, perfection will not be expected in me.

The same indulgence for the commission of literal errours, as for others, is solicited, though the excuse for such cannot be so good; but if every thing be found simple, and easy to be understood, my chief aim is answered. For so "all historical memoirs (says Dr. Colman) should be written." In a number of particulars I have deviated from common usage; but in none without good reasons, and to me satisfactory. As one instance it is observed, that compound names of places, in general, are written like simple names. For this deviation from general custom, no apology will be expected of me, as it has been proved to be preferable by a writer of great eminence.*

*Joel Barlow, Esq. See his Columbiad, printed 1807, iladelphia, 4to.

In correcting the text, superfluous words are sometimes left out; but this [-] sign is substituted, and the word or words omitted are given in the margin included by the same marks. When a word is altered, it is also included in brackets, and the word given in the margin as it stood in the original, and included in the same way. All words, presumed to be wanting, are inserted between brackets without reference to the margin, and are by the present editor. All notes included by the parenthesis were by the former editor, and attached to the old edition.

I should take it as a great kindness, should any person communicate to me any information where it is presumed to be wanting in the notes to this work; or point out any errours in what is already done, that future editions may be more perfect.

It being the particular design of this edition to render it uniform and consistent with respect to arrangement and "originality" of expression, few liberties have been taken with the composition; few indeed, unless pointed out as above expressed. In some instances however, some connective particles have been dropped and the signs omitted. But in such cases what is omitted was superfluous tautology. Therefore the reader may be assured that the text is correctly copied. From the present appearance of the work, its former erroneous composition is too easily discovered; yet it is some consolation, that innumerable errours have been detected, and generally, inasmuch as the design of the subject would admit. It was thought advisable to accompany the work with an Appendix, wherein something new, or of later date might be given, as young persons generally prefer new things to old. It was rather difficult to make the selection for this part, not for want of materials, but because they were so numerous ; and so many seem to deserve the same attention. But the articles are authentick, and as interesting, it is presumed, as can be found.

As there are different editions of many of the authors cited in this work, for the convenience of reference, a table, containing the chief of them, is here given.

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In addition to the above list, many works have been consulted, but the assistance from them has been smaller. Some of the most important are Hubbard's History of Newengland, Stiles' History of the Judges, Whitney's History of Worcester, and the Histories of several of the southern states. The free use I have made of every author's works is amply acknowledged in the notes. Reference is made to some late editions of works in preference to the first, not only as they are more uniform, but because they will now be oftener met with. But in most cases such

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