Devotions in the Ancient Way of Offices: with psalms, hymns, and prayers; for every day in the week, and every holiday in the year. By John AustinJohn Nicholson; John Sprint, 1706 - 612 pages |
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Adore againſt Alleluja alſo Amen Angels Antiphon Apoſtles Beginning Behold beſeech thee beſt bleſs bleſt Bliſs Charity Church chuſe Compline Courſe Croſs Death defire didſt Earth elſe encreaſe eternal Eyes fafe Faith Father Fear Felicity fing firſt Fleſh fuffer fure glorious Glory Goodneſs happy haſt hath Hearts Heaven Holy Ghoſt Hope humbly HYMN infinite Invitatory Jeſus juſt King Kingdom laſt leſs Leſſon Let us Pray let's Adore live Lord Jesus Chriſt Mattins Miſeries moſt muſt neſs Paſſions Peace Perſons pleaſe Pleaſures Praiſe preſent PSALM raiſe Redeemer rejoyce Reſt riſe Saints ſame ſave Saviour ſay ſee ſeek ſelf ſelves Senſe ſerve ſet ſhall ſhew ſhine ſhould ſing Sins ſome Soul ſpeak Spirit ſtand ſtill ſtrong ſuch Sunday ſure ſweet theſe thine Things thoſe thou art thou hast Throne thy felf thy Grace thy holy thy Love thy Mercy unto thee Vertue whoſe World without End