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" RULE. Multiply as in whole numbers, and from the right hand of the product point off as many figures for decimals as there are decimal places in both factors. "
Adams's New Arithmetic: Arithmetic, in which the Principles of Operating by ... - Page 141
by Daniel Adams - 1838 - 261 pages
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The Pupil's Guide to Practical Arithmetic, Containing All the Rules, which ...

Jonathan Grout - Arithmetic - 1809 - 136 pages
...Multiply the decimal by the number of parts, contained in the next lefs denomination, and point off fo many figures for decimals, as there are figures in the given decimal ; the figures on the left hand will be whole numbers. N a. Multiply the remaining decimals by the parts...
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Adams's New Arithmetic: Arithmetic, in which the Principles of Operating by ...

Daniel Adams - Arithmetic - 1810 - 190 pages
...20, is 7'50 s. ; then the fractional part, '50 s., reduced to pence, that is, multiplied by 12, is С d. • Ans. 7 s. 6 d. That is, — Multiply the given...given decimal, and so continue to do through all the denomi^ nations ; the several numbers at If_i_be reduced to a decimal, It produces ijui ; consequently...
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The Youth's Assistant in Theoretic and Practical Arithmetic, : Designed for ...

Zadock Thompson - Arithmetic - 1828 - 238 pages
...multiplier under the multiplicand, and proceed in all respects as in the multiplication of whole namhers. In the product, point off as many figures for decimals as there are decimal places in hoth the factors counted together. JVoie. If there he not so many figures in the...
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Arithmetic: In which the Principles of Operating by Numbers are Analytically ...

Daniel Adams - Arithmetic - 1830 - 268 pages
...Multiply the given decimal by that number which it takes of the next lower denomination to makeoneofthii higher, and from the right hand of the product point off as many figures for decimals as there are figflres in the given decimal, and so continue to do through all the denominations; the several numbers...
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The Youth's Assistant in Theorhetic [sic] and Practical Arithmetic: Designed ...

Zadock Thompson - Arithmetic - 1832 - 180 pages
...multiplier under the multiplicand, and proceed in all respects as in the multiplication of whole numbers. In the product, point off as many figures for decimals as there are decimal places in both the factors counted together. Note. If there be not so many figures in the product...
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The North American Arithmetic: uniting oral and written exercises, in ...

Frederick Emerson - Arithmetic - 1833 - 198 pages
...28.251 T76944 .16682 .03874 RULE FOR MULTIPLICATION OF DECIMALS. Multiply as in whole numbers ; and in the product, point off as many figures for decimals, as there are decimal places in both factors. If the number of figures in the product be less than the number of...
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The North American Arithmetic: Part Third, for Advanced Scholars, Volume 3

Frederick Emerson - Arithmetic - 1834 - 300 pages
...of decimal figures in both the factors of that product. RULE. Multiply as in whole numbers; and in the product, point off as many figures for decimals, as there are decimal places in both factors. If the number of figures in the product be less than the number of...
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The North American Arithmetic: Uniting Oral and Written Exercises, in ...

Frederick Emerson - Arithmetic - 1834 - 202 pages
...28.251 1.6944 .16682 .03874 RULE FOR MULTIPLICATION OF DECIMALS. Multiply as in whole numbers ; and in the product, point off as many figures for decimals, as there are decimal places in both factors. If the number of figures in the product be less than the number of...
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Adam's New Arithmetic: Arithmetic, in which the Principles of Operating by ...

Daniel Adams - Arithmetic - 1837 - 274 pages
...multiplied by 12, is 6 d. Ans. 7 s. 6 d. That is, — Multiply the given decimal by that number whjch it takes of the next lower denomination to make there are figures in the given decimal, and so conquotient, as a decimal to thatjtinue to do through all the dehigher denomination ; so continue to...
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A New System of Arithmetic, on the Cancelling Plan: Embracing the Rules of ...

Charles Guilford Burnham - Arithmetic - 1837 - 266 pages
...the denominator. 3. Reduce 8s. 4d. 2qrs. the decimal of a pound. Operation. 420 12 ces in the product for decimals as there are figures in the given decimal ; and so proceed through all the denominations — and the several numbers at the left of the decimal points...
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