34 tion.) Proceed in the same brought it to the denomination manner with each succeeding required. denomination, until you have brought it to the denomination required. EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE. 3. Reduce 32£. 15 s. 8 d.) to farthings. 5. In 29 guineas, at 28 s. each, how many farthings? 7. Reduce $163, at 6 s. each, to pence? 9. In 15 guineas, how many pounds? 4. Reduce 31472 farthings to pounds. 8. Reduce 11736 pence to dollars. eas. 10. Reduce 21 £. to guin Note. We cannot reduce guineas directly to pounds, but we may reduce the guineas to shillings, and then the shil lings to pounds. TROY WEIGHT. By Troy weight are weighed gold, silver, jewels, and all liquors. The denominations are pounds, ounces, pennyweights, and grains. TABLE. 24 grains (grs.) make 1 pennyweight, marked pwt. 20 pennyweights 12 ounces 1 ounce, 1 pound, OZ. lb. 11. Bought a silver tank- 12. Paid $44'28 for a sil ard, weighing 3 lb. 5 oz., pay-ver tankard, at the rate of ing at the rate of $1'08 an $1'08 an ounce; what did it ounce; what did it cost? 13. Reduce 210 lb. 8 oz. 12 pwt. to pennyweights. 15. In 7 lb. 11 oz. 3 pwt. weigh? 14. In 50572 pwt. how many pounds? 16. Reduce 45681 grains 9 grs. of silver, how many to pounds. grains? * The fineness of gold is tried by fire, and is reckoned in carats, by which is understood the 24th part of any quantity; if it lose nothing in the trial, it is said to be 24 carats fine; if it lose 2 carats, it is then 22 carats fine, which is the standard for gold. Silver which abides the fire without loss is said to be 12 ounces fine. The standard for silver coin is 11 oz. 2 pwts. of fine silver and 18 pwts. of copper, melted together. APOTHECARIES' WEIGHT. Apothecaries' weight* is used by apothecaries and physicians, in compounding medicines. The denominations are pounds, ounces, drams, scruples, and grains. TABLE. 20 grains, (grs.) make 1 scruple, marked 9. • 3 scruples 1 dram, 3. 3. tb. 17. In 9fb. 18. Reduce 55799 grs. to 19 grs., how many grains. pounds. AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT.† By avoirdupois weight are weighed all things of a coarse and drossy nature, as tea, sugar, bread, flour, tallow, hay, leather, medicines, (in buying and selling,) and all kinds of metals, except gold and silver. The denominations are tons, hundreds, quarters, pounds, ounces, and drams. 1 16 ounces 28 pounds Oz. lb. qr. cwt. T. Note 1. In this kind of weight, the words gross and net are used. Gross is the weight of the goods, together with the box, bale, bag, cask, &c., which contains them. Net weight is the weight of the goods only, after deducting the weight of the box, bale, bag, or cask, &c., and all other allowances. Note 2. A hundred weight, it will be perceived, is 112 lb. Merchants at the present time, in our principal sea-ports, buy and sell by the 100 pounds. * The pound and ounce apothecaries' weight, and the pound and ounce Troy are the same, only differently divided, and subdivided. † 175 oz. Troy = 192 oz. avoirdupois, and 175 lb. Troy=144 lb. avoirdu pois. 1 lb. Troy = 5760 grains, and 1 lb. avoirdupois = 7000 grains Troy. G 19. What will 5 cwt. 3 qrs.1 20. How much sugar, at 17 lb. of sugar come to, at 124 cents a pound, may be 12 cents a pound. bought for $82'625? 21. A merchant would put 22. In 470 boxes of raisins, containing 26 lb. each, how 109 cwt. 0 qrs. 12lb. of will it require ? 23. In 12 tons, 15 cwt. 24. In 7323500 drams, how 1 qr. 19 lb. 6 oz. 12 dr. how many tons? many drams? 25. In 28 lb. avoirdupois, how many pounds Troy? CLOTH MEASURE. Cloth measure is used in selling cloths and other goods, sold by the yard, or ell. The denominations are ells, yards, quarters, and nails. TABLE. 4 nails, (na.) or 9 inches, make 1 quarter, marked qr. 4 quarters, or 36 inches, 1 yard, 1 ell Flemish, 1 ell English, 1 ell French, Long measure is used in measuring distances, or other things, where length is considered without regard to breadth. The denominations are degrees, leagues, miles, furlongs, rods, yards, feet, inches, and barley-corns. 31. How many barley-corns in. ft. yd. r. p. fur. M. L. deg. or o. a great circle, or circumference of the earth. 32. In 4755801600 barley will reach round the globe, it corns, how many degrees ? being 360 degrees? Note. To multiply by 2, is Note. The barley-corns beto take the multiplicand 2 ing divided by 3, and that times; to multiply by 1, is to quotient by 12, we have take the multiplicand 1 time; 132105600 feet, which are to to multiply by, is to take the be reduced to rods. We canmultiplicand half a time, that not easily divide by 164 on is, the half of it. Therefore, account of the fraction; but to reduce 360 degrees to stat-16 feet = 33 half feet, in 1 ute miles, we multiply first by rod; and 132105600 feet = the whole number, 69, and to 264211200 half feet, which, the product add half the multi-divided by 33, gives 8006400 plicand. Thus : rods. )360 69+ 3240 2160 Hence, when the divisor is encumbered with a fraction, +or+, &c., we may reduce the divisor to halves, or fourths, 180 half of the multiplicand. &c., and reduce the dividend to the same; then the quo 25020 statute miles in 360 de-tient will be the true answer. grees. 33. How many inches from Boston to the city of Wash- how many miles ? 34. In 30539520 inches, ington, it being 482 miles? 35. How many times will a 36. If a wheel, 16 feet 6 wheel, 16 feet and 6 inches inches in circumference, turn in circumference, turn round round 12800 times in going in the distance from Boston to from Boston to Providence, Providence, it being 40 miles? what is the distance ? LAND OR SQUARE MEASURE. Square measure is used in measuring land, and any other thing, where length and breadth are considered. The denominations are miles, acres, roods, perches, yards, feet and inches. T 35. 3 feet in length make a yard in long measure; but it requires 3 feet in length and 3 feet in breadth to make a yard in square measure; 3 feet in length and one foot wide make 3 square feet; 3 feet in length and 2 feet wide make 2 times 3, that is, 6 square feet; 3 feet in length and 3 feet wide make 3 times 3, that is, 9 square feet. This will clearly appear from the annexed figure. Note. Gunter's chain, used in measuring land, is 4 rods in length. It consists of 100 links, each link being 71% inches in length; 25 links make 1 rod, long measure, and 625 square links make 1 square rod. |