Dublin, a historical sketch

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1799 - 80 pages

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Page 140 - Verily I say unto you, Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world, there shall also this, that this woman hath done, be told for a memorial of her.
Page 70 - shall spread over the whole world, shall be admitted into the councils of princes, and they never the wiser; charming of them, yea, making your princes reveal their hearts and the secrets therein...
Page 117 - ... accident and the incredible patience of Ormond, stands up in one great combination, resolute to resist the Commonwealth. Combination great in bulk ; but made of iron and clay ; — in meaning not so great. Oliver has taken survey and measure of it ; Oliver descends on it like the hammer of Thor; smites it, as at one fell stroke, into dust and ruin, never to reunite against him more.
Page 157 - God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to (give) the light of the knowledge (of His glory) in the face of (Jesus) Christ.
Page 90 - But there would go hand in hand with this, some course of advancing religion indeed, where the people is capable thereof; as the sending over some good preachers, especially of that sort which are vehement and zealous persuaders, and not scholastical, to be resident in principal towns...
Page 69 - but there are a new fraternity of late sprung up, who call themselves Jesuits, which will deceive many, much after the Scribes and Pharisees' manner. Amongst the Jews they shall strive to abolish the truth, and shall come very near to do it. For these sorts will turn themselves into several forms ; with the heathen...
Page 174 - ... the heavens passing away with a great noise, the elements melting with fervent heat, and the earth and all things therein being burned up.
Page 90 - Lancashire : and the recontinuing and replenishing the college begun at Dublin, the placing of good men to be bishops in the sees there, and the taking care of the versions of bibles and catechisms, and other books of instruction, into the Irish language...
Page 137 - It consists of three squares, the outward being as large as both the inner, one of which, of modern building, has not chambers on every side ; the other has, on the south side of which stands the Library, the whole length of the square.
Page 12 - Such music before or since did I never hear, that instrument being neglected for its extraordinary difficulty; but, in my judgment, far superior to the lute itself, or whatever speaks with strings.

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