Our present race of ephemerae will in a course of minutes become corrupt, like those of other and older bushes, and consequently as wretched : and in philosophy how small our progress ! Alas ! art is long, and life is short ! My friends would comfort... The Sentimental and Masonic Magazine - Page 261793Full view - About this book
 | 1792 - 816 pages
...life is fhort. My friends would comfort me with the ide.i of a name, they fay I mall leave behind me j and they tell me I have lived long enough to nature and to glory. But what will fame be toan Ephemera who no longer exilU .' and what will become of all hiitory in the eighteenth hour, when... | |
 | Benjamin Franklin - Statesmen - 1793 - 320 pages
...is fhort ! My friend would comfort me with *' the idea of a name, they fay, I fhall leave be" hind me ; and they tell me I have lived long " enough to...who no longer " exifts ? and what will become of all hiftory in " the eighteenth hour, when the world itfelf, " even the whole Moulin Joly, mail come to... | |
 | Benjamin Franklin - Celebrities - 1793 - 282 pages
...long, and life is ftiort ! " My friends would comfort me with " the idea of a name, they fay, I (halt " leave behind me ; and they tell me I " have lived...But what will fame be to " an ephemera who no longer cxifts ? *' and what will become of all hiftory in " the eighteenth hour, when the world " itfelf,... | |
 | Benjamin Franklin - American literature - 1806 - 590 pages
...is long, and life is short! My friends would comfort me with the idea of a name, they say, I shall leave behind me ; and they tell me, I have lived long...But what will fame be to an ephemera, who no longer exists ? and what will become of all history in the eighteenth hour, when the world itself, even the... | |
 | Benjamin Franklin - 1806 - 586 pages
...friends would comfort me with the idea of a name, they say, I shall leave behind me; and they tell me, 1 have lived long enough to nature and to glory. But what will fame be to an ephemera, who no longer exists ? and what will become of all history in the eighteenth hour, when the world itself, even the... | |
 | Manual - Essays - 1809 - 324 pages
...long and life is short ! My friends " would comfort me with the idea of a name, " they say I shall leave behind me ; and they " tell me I have lived...nature and " to glory. But what will fame be to an ephe" mera who no longer exists ? and what will be" come of all history in the eighteenth hour, " when... | |
 | Benjamin Franklin - American essays - 1811 - 190 pages
...is long and life is short ! My friends would comfort me with the idea of a name, they say, I shall leave behind me ; and they tell me I have lived long...But what will fame be to an Ephemera; who no longer exists ? and what will become of all history in the eighteenth hour, when the world itself, even the... | |
 | Benjamin Franklin - American essays - 1811 - 196 pages
...is long and life is short ! My friends would comfort me with the idea of a name, they say, I shall leave behind me ; and they tell me I have lived long...to nature and to glory. But what will fame be to an Ephemeras who no longer exists ? and what will become of all history in the eighteenth hoar, when the... | |
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