The alligator when full grown is a very large and terrible creature, and of prodigious strength, activity, and swiftness in the water. I have seen them twenty feet in length, and some are supposed to be twenty-two or twenty-three feet Their body is as... The Sentimental and Masonic Magazine - Page 1541793Full view - About this book
 | 1793 - 614 pages
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 | Books - 1793 - 672 pages
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 | 1793 - 542 pages
...her brood around her, you may hear the young ones continually whining and barking like young puppies. I believe but few of a brood live to the years of...the young, as long as they can make prey of them. Thus fur Bartram. On which it is necefTary to remark, that the fpecies of crocodile which he here defcribes,... | |
 | Hunting - 1799 - 422 pages
...with her brood around her, you шау hear the young ones bark like \oung puppies. I believe but a few of a brood live to the years of full growth and...the old feed on the young as long as they can make a prey of them. The alligator, when full grown, is a very large and terrible creature, and of prodigious... | |
 | Books and bookselling - 464 pages
...brood around her, you may hear the young ones continually whining and barking', like young puppies. I believe but few of a brood live to the years of...ftrength, activity; and fwiftnefs in the water. I have fcen. them twenty feet in length, and fom? are fuppofed to be twenty-two or twenty three feet. Their... | |
 | Philadelphia (Pa.) - 1809 - 572 pages
...her brood around her, you may hear the young ones continually whining and barking like young puppies; I believe but few of a brood live to the years of...long as they can make prey of them. " The alligator, when/ull grown, is a very large and terrible creature, and of prodigious strength, activity, and swiftness... | |
 | English literature - 1794 - 830 pages
...her brood around her, you may hear the young ones continually whining and barking like young puppies. I believe but few of a brood live to the years of...young, as long as they can make prey of them. The COUNTRY DANCE. A RUKAL PICTURE. ON a fpacious lawn, bounded on every fide by a profusion of the mod... | |
 | English literature - 1794 - 802 pages
...arounJ her, you may hear the young oa« continually whining and barkmf like young puppies. I believe bat few of a brood live to the years of full growth and magnitude, u the old feed on the young, as long - as they can make prey of them. The COUMTRT DANCH. A RURAL PICTUREON... | |
 | 1793 - 616 pages
...brood around her, you may hear the young ones continually whining and barking, like young puppies. I believe but few of a brood live to the years of...growth and magnitude, as the old feed on the young where, it is faid, they are only vulnerable/The head of a full grown one is about three feet, and the... | |
 | Caledonian bee - 1811 - 298 pages young pi:; vies. I believe but few of a brood live to tl.e \ i .ns of full growth and ma^mtixlr, as the old feed on the young as long as they can make prey of |hcni. ' The n":^atcr, vrhen fu'l grown, is a very lar^e and terrible Culture, and of pro.l^iuus i'nength,... | |
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