| William Webster - Arithmetic - 1740 - 266 pages
...the fuppofittons : $ to \ t 77 So u or to . adde or *""When firft the marriage-knot wa« ty-d Betwixt my wife and me ; My age did her-s as far exceed, As three times three does three. But after ten and half ten years, We man and wife had been ; Her age came up as near to mine, As eight... | |
 | John Mair - Arithmetic - 1772 - 376 pages
...body 24 inches, and length of the tail 18 inches. 1 1. When firft the marriage-knot was tied Betwixt my wife and me, My age did hers as far exceed, As three times three does three ; But after ten and half ten years, We man and wife had been, Her age came up as near to mine, As eight is... | |
 | William M. Finlay - Accounting - 1803 - 274 pages
...£34 5 Ц, horse ¿\7 2 1 Of , flameas ¿S 11 5|. 56. When first the marriage knot was ty'd, Betwixt my wife and me ; My age did hers as far exceed, As three times three does three ; But after ten and half ten years, We man and wife had been, Our ages then appear'd to be, As eight is to... | |
 | Paul Deighan - Arithmetic - 1804 - 500 pages
...A. 5, 1 6. When firft the marriage knot was tied, Betwixt my wife and me, My age did tier's as tar exceed, As three times three does three ; But when ten years, and half ten years, \Ve man and wife had been, Her age came up as near to mrne, As eight is to lixteen : — — — Now... | |
 | Arithmetic - 1829 - 196 pages
...each man,s bill 1 Ans. A,s £41 Bs., and 1?s £66 12.". 8. When fir ft the marriage knot was tied f Between my wife and me, " My age did her,s as far exceed, As three times three does three ; But after ten and half ten years, We man and wife had been, Her age came up as near to mine As eight is... | |
 | Nicolas Pike, Dudley Leavitt - Arithmetic - 1830 - 240 pages
...there had been <inly a girl. What would have been her dowry bad she had only a sour Ans. $2100 18. When first the marriage knot was tied Between my wife and me, My age with hers did so agree, As nineteen does with eight and three; We man and wife had been, Hut after... | |
 | Ira Wanzer - Arithmetic - 1831 - 408 pages
...proffers are in vain, No other shall that favor gain. Ans. 16 years the younger, 24 the elder. 46. When first the marriage knot was tied Between my wife and me, My age, in years, was to my bride's, As three times three to three; * But now, when ten and half ten years,... | |
 | Charles Potts - Arithmetic - 1835 - 198 pages
...received $5 ; how many days did he work, and how many days was he idle? Ans. worked 30 days, idle 10. 5. When first the marriage knot was tied Between my wife and me, My age was to that of my bride As three times three to three ; But now that ten, and half ten years, We man... | |
 | Arithmetic - 1841 - 200 pages
...$200 per annum. A. spends $175, and B. 205 per annum. 8. When first the marriage knot was tied betwixt my wife and me, My age did hers as far exceed, as three times three does three; But after ten, and half ten years, we inun and wife had been, Her age came up as near to mine, as eight... | |
 | Lydia Maria Child - Amusements - 1847 - 338 pages
...by any figures larger than 12, the result will differ only in there being a plurality of nines. 8. When first the marriage knot was tied Between my wife and me, My age exceeded hers as much As three times three does three. But when the man and wife had been, For ten... | |
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