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" ... multiply the second and third terms together, and divide the product by the first for the answer, which will always be of the same denomination as the third term. "
Arithmetic: In which the Principles of Operating by Numbers are Analytically ... - Page 180
by Daniel Adams - 1830 - 264 pages
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A Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry: With Their Most Useful ...

John Bonnycastle - Trigonometry - 1806 - 464 pages
...others were taken. In the second method, having stated the proportion, according to the proper rule, multiply the second and third terms together, and divide the product by the first, and the quotient will be the fourth term required, for the natural numbers. Or, in working by logarithms,...
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The American Tutor's Guide: Being a Compendium of Arithmetic. In Six Parts ...

James Thompson - Arithmetic - 1808 - 180 pages
...term ; and that which is of the same name or quality with the answer required, the second term. Then multiply the second and third terms together, and divide the product by the first. The quotient will be the fourth term or answer, in the same name or denomination as the second term...
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Adams's New Arithmetic: Arithmetic, in which the Principles of Operating by ...

Daniel Adams - Arithmetic - 1810 - 190 pages
...greater for the first; anil, in either case, multiply the second and third terme together, and divid* the product by the first for the answer, which will always be of the MJQ« denomination »a Uie fcird term* Note 1- If the first and second terms contain dijfertnl denomination!,...
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The Theory and Practice of Surveying: Containing All the Instructions ...

Robert Gibson - Surveying - 1811 - 592 pages much greater, or less than the third, as the second term is greater, or less than the first, then multiply the second and third terms together, and divide the product by the first term, and the quotient will be the answer ; — in the same denomination with the third term. EXAMPLES....
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A Treatise of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry: In Theory and Practice ...

Francis Nichols - Plane trigonometry - 1811 - 162 pages
...analogy be formed according to the proper rule above delivered; then, if the natural numbers be used, multiply the second and third terms together, and divide the product by the first; the quotient will be the fourth term required. If logarithms be used, add the logarithms of the second...
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The Teachers Assistant. Or, A System of Practical Arithmetic: Wherein the ...

Arithmetic - 1811 - 210 pages
...DIRECT PROPORTION. RULE. « Prepare the given terms, if necessary, and state them as in whole numbers ; multiply the second and third terms together, and divide the product by the first. Or, / . Invert the dividing term, and multiply the three tejgms together, as in Multiplication. * EXAMPLES....
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The American Arithmetic: Adapted to the Currency of the United States ...

Oliver Welch - Arithmetic - 1812 - 236 pages
...denomination ; and reduce the middle number, or term, into the lowest denomination mentioned : then multiply the second and third terms together, and divide the product by the first ; the quotient will be the answer, or fourth term sought ; and always will be of the same depomiiuition...
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Practical Arithmetic: In Four Books ... Extracted from the Large and Entire ...

John Gough - Arithmetic - 1813 - 358 pages
...fraction must be of th« same name or kind, and reduced to fractions of the same name or denominator. Multiply the second and third terms together and divide the product by the first; the quotient is the fourth term required ; due regard being had to the rules laid down for multiplying,...
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Easy Introduction to Mathematics, Volume 1

Charles Butler - Mathematics - 1814 - 536 pages either. Likewise the second term must be reduced to the lowest denomination mentioned in it. IV. Multiply the second and third terms together, and divide the product by the first ; the quotient will be the fourth term, or answer, in the same denomination into which the second term...
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The village school improved; or, The new system of education practically ...

John Poole - 1815 - 170 pages
...namely, shillings. Q. Having attended to the three given terms, what do you proceed to do next? — A. I multiply the second and third terms together, and divide the product by the first. Q. Is not this last mentioned operation the main rule in the Rule of Three Direct?— A. Yes. Q. In...
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