| Samuel Ashby (teacher of the mathematics.) - Algebra - 1737 - 214 pages
...Jhould be mulcted 8 Pence. When 390 Days 'were' paft, neither of tlem 'were indebted to one another. How many Days did he work; and how many was he idle ? PUT 390 = ^7, 12 =b, S-=c, and A-=the i?ays he was idle ; then (per Ax. 1 .) the Days he work'd will... | |
 | Daniel Fenning - Algebra - 1751 - 272 pages
...he was idle, and did no Work, he was to pay 8 Pence. Now at the End of the Time he received 155. 4d. How many Days did he work, and how many was he idle ? Numerical Solution^ For the Days he wrought put x Then will what he play'd be 40 — x. Now x Days... | |
 | William Craighead - Arithmetic - 1757 - 584 pages
...he fhould forfeit 8 pence : when 390 days were pad, neither of them were indebted to one anether ; how many days did he work, and how many was he idle ? 8 390 13 8 i 39° 210)31210(156 Days he wrought. о 234 Days he was idle. ( ï89 ) A general difpofing... | |
 | John Hill - Arithmetic - 1765 - 440 pages
...mould be mulcted 8 pence : when 390 days were palled, neither of them were indebted to one another : how many days did he work, and how many was he idle? 20. A certain gentleman hires a fervant, and promifes him 24 pounds yearly wages, together with a cloak... | |
 | John Eadon - Arithmetic - 1766 - 360 pages
...wrought, and forfeit 8d. for every day he idled. At lait he received 3!, 5s.=78od. for his labour. How many days did he work, and how many was he idle ? d. 1. Suppofe he wrought 50 (P) days. 50x12= 600 . Then he idled 40 days. 40 x 8= 320 received but... | |
 | Charles Vyse - Arithmetic - 1785 - 356 pages
...worked, and forfeit lori. for every Day he idled ; at laft he received 2/. 1s. 8a. for his Labour; how many Days did he work, and how many was he idle ? 1^. PRACTICE. So called from the General Ufe it is to all Perfons concerned in Trade and Bufinefs.... | |
 | Thomas Peacock - Arithmetic - 1791 - 300 pages
...day he wrought, and forfeit lod. for every day he was idle. Now he received at laft 2!. I s. 8d. ; how many days did he work, and how many was he idle? — Anf. He wrought 30 days, and was idle I o days. 5. A perfon gave 14!. 8s. for .a hogfhcad of wine,... | |
 | William Taylor (teacher of the mathematics.) - Arithmetic - 1800 - 558 pages
...worked, and forfeit lod. for every day he idled ; at laft he received 2/. is. 8</. for his labour ; how many days did he work, and how many was he idle ? Firft 2/. u. 8d. r: 500 pence, and 500 -£• 20 = 2J days wages ; then 40 — 25 = 15 days more.... | |
 | Jeremiah Paul - Arithmetic - 1801 - 242 pages
...every day lie was idle, he should forfeit Is. 8d. at the expiration of the time, he received £.3 15 ; how many days did he work, and how many was he idle ? Answer ...Employed 35 days, idle 25» 46. In the diurnal rotation of the earth, how far arc the inhabitants... | |
 | Mathematics - 1801 - 444 pages
...day he wrought, and forfeit lod. for every day he was idle ; now he received cd at last 2!. is. 8d. : how many days did he work, and how many was he idle ? Ans. He wrought 30 days, and was idle 10. 5. A gerrtleman has two horses of considerable value, and... | |
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