The Memoirs of the Life, and Writings of Percival Stockdale: Containing Many Interesting Anecdotes of the Illustrious Men with Whom He was Connected, Volume 1Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1809 - Authors |
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The Memoirs of the Life, and Writings of Percival Stockdale: Containing Many ... Percival Stockdale No preview available - 2016 |
The Memoirs of the Life, and Writings of Percival Stockdale: Containing Many ... Tbd No preview available - 2020 |
The Memoirs of the Life, and Writings of Percival Stockdale: Containing Many ... Percival Stockdale No preview available - 2020 |
Common terms and phrases
acquainted admired affectionate agreeable ALNWICK amiable ANDREWS ardent ardour atchievement attention authour battle of MINDEN bay of GIBRALTAR beautiful BERWICK BERWICK upon TWEED BIGGLES BIGGLESWADE Bishop of Durham BRANXTON captain character CHARLES charms christian consequence conversation CORNHILL delight deserved divine effects elegant eloquence endeavoured entertainment excellent extremely fair fame fancy fantastick father favour fortune GARRICK gave genius gentleman GIBRALTAR give glory happy heart honour hope human imagination inferiour intellectual interest king lady language LESBURY letter literary lively lord DOUNE lord GEORGE SACKVILLE mankind manner master melancholy memory ment mind MINORCA moral nature never NORTHUMBERLAND objects observe occasion passion PERCIVAL STOCKDALE person persuits pious pleasure poet poetical polite professour publick racter reader recollect RUMNEY scholar SCOTLAND sensible sentiments sincere soul spirit SPODY superiour talents taste thou thought tion truth verses virtue virtuous vivacity worthy write young youth
Popular passages
Page 267 - Hide, blushing glory, hide Pultowa's day : The vanquish'd hero leaves his broken bands, And shows his miseries in distant lands ; Condemn'da needy supplicant to wait, While ladies interpose, and slaves debate. But did not chance at length her error mend ? Did no subverted empire mark his end ? Did rival monarchs give the fatal wound ? Or hostile millions press him to the ground. His fall was destined to a barren strand, A petty fortress, and a dubious hand ; He left the name, at which the world grew...
Page 344 - They that go down to the sea in ships : and occupy their business in great waters ; These men see the works of the Lord : and his wonders in the deep.
Page 165 - Nil ergo optabunt homines ? Si consilium vis, Permittes ipsis expendere numinibus quid Conveniat nobis rebusque sit utile nostris. Nam pro jucundis aptissima quaeque dabunt di. Carior est illis homo quam sibi.
Page 267 - The march begins in military state, And nations on his eye suspended wait; Stern Famine guards the solitary coast, And Winter barricades the realms of Frost; He comes...
Page 414 - Their merry wakes and pastimes keep. What hath night to do with sleep ? Night hath better sweets to prove, Venus now wakes, and wakens Love. Come, let us our rites begin, 'Tis only daylight that makes sin, Which these dun shades will ne'er report.
Page 24 - That thou mayst be by kings, or whores of kings, Boast the pure blood of an illustrious race, In quiet flow from Lucrece to Lucrece: But by your father's worth if yours you rate, Count me those only who were good and great.
Page 24 - But by your father's worth if yours you rate, Count me those only who were good and great. Go ! if your ancient, but ignoble blood Has crept through scoundrels ever since the flood, Go ! and pretend your family is young, Nor own your fathers have been fools so long. What can ennoble sots, or slaves, or cowards ? Alas ! not all the blood of all the Howards.
Page 414 - Now to the moon in wavering morrice move ; And on the tawny sands and shelves Trip the pert fairies and the dapper elves. By dimpled brook and fountain-brim The wood-nymphs, decked with daisies trim, Their merry wakes and pastimes keep : What hath night to do with sleep ? Night hath better sweets to prove; Venus now wakes, and wakens Love.
Page 146 - In my poor judgment, he made an excellent good sermon, and went clearly through, without the help of any notes. After sermon I went with him to his house, where I proposed these several following questions to him : — Whether it was true, the book reported of him, concerning the hair ? Whether or no he had a new set of teeth come?
Page 248 - Ille protinus dejectum puerum ita cecidit, ut qui sacrilegium commisisset. Theologus semel atque iterum interpellavit, satis est, satis est. At carnifex ille fervore surdus peregit suam carnificinam pene usque ad pueri syncopen. Mox theologus versus ad nos. Nihil commeruit, inquit, sed erat humiliandus ; nam hoc verbo est usus.