CONTENTS. PAGE Human parentage-mental and moral constitution-subjec- PAGE object of worship ;-either God, an ignoramus, or an impos- VI.-JESUS CHRIST NOT "GOD THE SON" 49 Title not in Bible-he recognized no deity but the Father- VII. THE SON OF GOD. 59 Sonship not eternal-the first created being-the instrument VIII. THE HOLY SPIRIT 72 Not a "third person "-a divine person-spiritual influence Texts-mystery not "mystery of the Trinity "-God even the Father-prayer to the Father only-Trinity not in Bible. XI.-WORKS OF THE SPIRIT ASCRIBED TO THE FATHER AND TO CHRIST.. .... 99 Inspiration and revelation - conversion sanctification Comforter-indwelling-Christ's parentage and mission. XII. TENDENCY OF TRINITARIANISM Undeifies God-confuses prayer-inconsistency. ..... 108 XIII. SUMMARY...... ... .... One divine person only-more unnecessary-the Lord Jesus PAGE XIV.-OBJECTIONS 114 The "three witnesses "-formula of baptism--" the apos- sciousness-" the fathers." XV. CONCLUSION 128 All truth not yet attained-all will not receive new truth- |