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28. The swiftest velocity of a cannon ball, is about 2000 feet in a second of time. In what time, at that rate, would it be in moving from the earth to the sun, admitting the distance to be 95 millions of miles, and the year to contain 365 days 6 hours.

Ans. 711 years.

29. The slow or parade step is 70 paces per minute, at 28 inches each pace: how fast is that per hour?

Ans. 11 miles.

30. A wall of 700 yards in length was to be built in 29 days. Twelve men were employed on it for 11 days, and only completed 220 yards. How many men must be added to complete the wall in the required time? Ans. 4.

31. How far will 500 millions of guineas reach, when laid down in a straight line touching one another, supposing each guinea to be an inch in diameter ?

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Ans. 7891mi. 728yd. 2ft. 8in.

32. A gentleman whose annual income is £1500, spends 20 guineas a week: does he save or run in debt, and how much?

Ans. He saves £408 per annum.

33. A person bought 160 oranges at 2 for a penny, and 180 more at 3 for a penny; after which he sold them out at the rate of 5 for 2 pence: did he make or lose, and how much?

Ans. He lost 6 pence.

34. My factor sends me word he has bought goods to the value of £500 13s 6d upon my account; what will his commission come to at 3 per cent. ?

Ans. £17 10s 5łd+.

35. If a quantity of provisions serves 1500 men 12 weeks, at the rate of 20 ounces a day for each man; how many men will the same provisions maintain for 20 weeks, at the rate of 8 ounces a day for each man?

Ans. 2250 men.

36. A younger brother received $8400, which was just f of his elder brother's fortune: what was the father worth?

Ans. $19200.

37. If 20 men can perform a piece of work in 12 days, how many men will accomplish three times as much in one-fifth of the time?

Ans. 300.

38. Suppose that I have of a ship worth $1200; what part have I left after selling off of my share, and what is it worth?

Ans. left, worth $986,66+

39. What number is that which being multiplied by of of 1, the product will be 1?

Ans. 14.

40. What number is that which being multiplied by three thousandths, the product will be 2637 ? Ans. 879000.

41. What length must be cut off a board 81⁄2 inches broad to contain a square foot, or as much as 12 inches in length and 12 in breadth ?

Ans. 1614 inches.

42. A man exchanged 70 bushels of rye, at $0,92 per bushel, for 40 bushels of wheat, at $1,371 per bushel, and received the balance in oats, at $0,40 per bushel: how many bushels of oats did he receive ?


Ans. 231.

My horse and saddle together are worth $132,


and the horse is worth 10 times as much as the saddle: what is the value of the horse ?

Ans. $120.

44. Four persons trade together on a capital of $6000, of which A put in 1, B, C and D the rest; at the end of 4 years they had gained $4728: what was each one's share of the gain?

A's $2364

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45. A farmer being asked how many sheep he had, answered, that he had them in five fields, in the first he had + of his flock, in the second f, in the 3d f, in the 4th, and in the 5th 450: how many had he?

Ans. 1200.

46. The circumference of the earth is 360 degrees, and each degree is 69ł miles, how long would a man be in travelling round it, who travelled at the rate of 20 miles a day, the year being reckoned at 365 days 6 hours ?

Ans. 3 years, 1551 days.

47. How many bricks 8 inches long and 4 inches wide, will pave a yard that is 100 feet by 50 feet; also a yard that is 50 feet square ?

Ans. 22500-2d yard 11250.

48. Sound travels about 1142 feet in a second. Now if the flash of a cannon be seen at the moment it is fired, and the report heard 45 seconds after, what distance would the observer be from the gun ? Ans. 9mi. 5fur. 34rd. +

49. Two persons depart from the same place, one travels 32, and the other 36 miles a day: if they travel in the same direction, how far will they

apart at the end of 19 days, and how far if they

travel in contrary directions?



76 miles same direction.

1292 miles opposite directions.

50. In a certain orchard, & of the trees bear apples, & of the trees bear peaches, & of them plums, 120 of them cherries, and 80 of them pears: how many trees are there in the orchard ?

Ans. 2400.





Please pay John Thompson, or order,

five hundred dollars, and place the same to my account. PETER WORTHY.

New York, June 1, 1833.


Please pay the bearer sixty-one dollars and twenty cents, in goods from your store, and charge the same to the account of your

Obedient Servant,

New York, July 1, 1833.



Receipt for Money on Account.

Received, New York, June 2d, 1833, of John Ward, sixty
Bars on account.

J. P. FAY.

( :



Receipt for Money on a Note.


Received New York, June 5, 1833, of Leonard Walsh, six hundred and forty dollars, on his note for one thousand dollars, dated New York, January 1, 1833.



No. 1. $25,50.


Negotiable Note.

New York, May 1, 1833. For value received I promise to pay, on demand, to Abel Bond, or order, twenty-five dollars and fifty cents. REUBEN HOLMES.

No. 2. $875,39.

Note Payable to Bearer.

New York, May 2, 1833. For value received, I promise to pay, six months after date, to John Johns, or bearer, eight hundred and sev. enty-five dollars and thirty-nine cents.

No. 3. $659,27.

Note by two Persons.


New York, June 2, 1833.

For value received, we, jointly and severally, promise to pay to Richard Ricks, or order, on demand, six hundred and fifty-nine dollars and twenty-seven cents.


Note Payable at a Bank.

No. 4 $20,25.

Sixty days after date, I promise to pay John Anderson, or order, at the Bank of the United States, twenty dollars and twenty-five cents, for value received.


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