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" I consider the vanity of grieving for those whom we must quickly follow; when I see kings lying by those who deposed them, when I consider rival wits placed side by side, or the holy men that divided the world with their contests and disputes, I reflect... "
The Works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison - Page 69
by Joseph Addison - 1811
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An index to makind: or Maxims selected from the wits of all nations

Index - 1754 - 180 pages
...Men that divided the World wi»h their Contefts and Difputes, I reflect with Sorrow and Aftonimment on the little Competitions, Factions, and Debates of Mankind ; when I read the feveral Dates of the Tombs, of fome that died as yefterday, and fome iix hundred Years ago, I confider...
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The letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero to several of his friends ..., Volume 3

Marcus Tullius Cicero - 1778 - 400 pages that divided the world with their contefts and difputes, I reflect with forrow an4 aftonifhment on the little competitions, factions and debates of mankind. When I read the feveral dates of the tombs, of fome that died yefterday, and fome fix hundred years ago, I confider...
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The Spectator, Volume 1

1778 - 378 pages that divided the world with their contefts and diiputes, I reflect with forrow and aftonifhment on the little competitions, factions, and debates of mankind. When I read the feveral dates of the tombs, of fome that died yefterday, and fome fix hundred years ago, I confider...
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Lessons in Elocution, Or, A Selection of Pieces in Prose and Verse: For the ...

William Scott - Elocution - 1789 - 416 pages that divided the world with their contefts and difputes ; I refleft with forrow and aftoniihmcnt on the little competitions, factions, and debates of mankind. When I read ,the feveral dates of the tombs, of fome that died yefterday, and fome fix hundred years ago, I confider...
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Of London

Thomas Pennant - London (England) - 1790 - 556 pages
...that divided the world with their contefts and " difputes, I reflect with forrow and aftonifliment on the little " competitions, factions, and debates of mankind. When I read " the feveral dates of the tombs, of fome that died yefterday,. * Thus translated in the little hiilorical...
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The ambulator; or, The stranger's companion in a tour round London ...

John Bew - 1793 - 330 pages
...that divided the world with their contefls and difputes ; I reflect with forrow and aftonilhment oa the little competitions, factions, and debates of mankind. When I read the feveral dates of the tombs, of Came that •died yefterday, and feme fix hundred years ago, I confider...
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The ambulator; or, The stranger's companion in a tour round London ...

John Bew - 1794 - 358 pages that divided the world with their contefts and difpiites ; I refleft with forrow and alionifhment on the little competitions, factions, and debates of mankind. When I read the feveral dates of the tombs, of Ibme that died yeftmlay, and fome fix hundred years ago, I confider...
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Instructive Rambles: In London, and the Adjacent Villages. Designed to Amuse ...

Elizabeth Helme - Adventure and adventurers - 1800 - 318 pages
...when I' see the tomb of the parents themselves, * and consider, the vanity of grieving for * those we must quickly follow — when I * see Kings lying by...them — when I consider rival wits placed ' side •* side by side, or the holy men, that di• vided the world with their contests and • disputes...
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An Impartial History of the Town and County of Newcastle Upon Tyne and Its ...

John Baillie - Newcastle upon Tyne (England) - 1801 - 642 pages that divided the world with their contefts and difputes, I reflect with forrow and aftonimment on the little competitions, factions, and debates of mankind. When I read the feveral dates of the tombs, of fome that died yefterday, and fome fix hundred years ago, I confider...
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Select British Classics, Volume 11

English literature - 1803 - 436 pages
...when I see the tomb of the parents themselves, I consider the vanity of grieving for those whom we must quickly follow; when I see kings lying by those...mankind. When I read the several dates of the tombs, of some that died yesterday, and some six hundred years ago, I consider that great day when we, shall...
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