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A BOOK like the present could not possibly be completed on its English side without the kind co-operation of many English Socialists. For permission to reprint important matter which has appeared otherwise, I am deeply indebted to Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Webb, to the literary Trustees of William Morris, to Mr. J. Keir Hardie, M.P., and to Mr. John Burns, M.P., to the Fabian Society, to the Labour Leader, Limited, and to the Clarion Newspaper Company.

For the foreign translations I am personally responsible, except in the case of the extract from Kautsky's "Social Revolution. For this I am indebted to the kindness of Mr. J. B. Askew and the Twentieth Century Press, whose translation of the whole work has laid every English Socialist under a sensible obligation.

But for Mr. Askew, very little translation from foreign Socialist writers has been attempted since that of Marx's classical works in the 'eighties. One result of this, and of the limited currency of conscious Socialism in England, is that the translator has no cut-and-dried vocabulary. Words like "proletariate," "proletarian," "bourgeoisie," "bourgeois," lack in English the everyday actuality which their equivalents.


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