| Philip Schaff - Church history - 1877 - 948 pages
...How many persons arc there in the Godhead f Ans. There are three persons in the Godhead : the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; and these three are one...God, the same in substance, equal in power and glory. Ques. 7. What are the decrees of Godt Ans. The decrees of God are his eternal purpose according to... | |
| Assembly of divines shorter catech - 1743 - 368 pages
...Terms 7, Thou, and He, are applied, and yet the one true Godhead is afcrihed to each of them. 7. Q. What are the Decrees of God ? A The Decrees of God are his eternal Purpofe, according to the Counfel of his Will, whereby for his own Glory he hath fore-ordained whatfoever... | |
| Assembly of divines confess. and catech - 1765 - 626 pages
...che Hnly Gholt; and thefe three are one God, the fame in fubftance, equal in power and glory q. Q^7 . What are the decrees of God? A. The decrees of God are, his eternal purpofe according to the couiifcl of his will, whereby, for his own glory, he out the Almighty unto... | |
| John Willison - Catechisms - 1790 - 334 pages
...they deny fuch great and fundamental truths of God fo clearly revealed in his word. EST 1 ON VII. Q^ What are the decrees of God? A. The Decrees of God are, his eternal Purpofe, According to jjie Counfel of his will, whereby, for his own glory^he hath fore-ordained whatfoevef... | |
| John Willison - 1798 - 716 pages
...feeing they deny fuch great and fundamental truths of God fo clearly revealed in bib word. ES T. VII. What are the decrees of God ? , A. The decrees of God are, his eternal purpofe, according to the counfel of his will, whereby for his own glory, he hath fore-ordained whatfoewer... | |
| John Willison - 1798 - 720 pages
...feeing they deny fuch great and fundamental truths of God fo clearly revealed in his word. EST, VII. are the decrees of God * A. The decrees of God are, his eternal purpofe, according to the counfel of his will, whereby for his own glory, he hath fore-ordained whatfoevei... | |
| Samuel Wright - Lord's Supper - 1802 - 236 pages
...orthodox, ag to say he purchased the Spirit : " for there are three persons in the Godhead, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost: and . these three are...the same in substance, equal in power and glory." Christ opened a channel that the third person in the Trinity, the glorious concurring party in the... | |
| Matthew Henry - Devotional literature - 1805 - 192 pages
...Hi.\o many persons are there in the Godhead ? A. There are three persons in the Godhead, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost ; and these three are...the same in substance, equal in power and glory. Q. What are the decrees of God ? A. The decrees of God are his eternal purpose, according to the counsel... | |
| Thomas Vincent - Westminster Assembly - 1806 - 308 pages
...Q. How many persons are there in the Godhead. A. There are three persons in the Godhead, the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost ; and these three are one...the same in substance, equal in power and glory. Q. 1 . What is meant by the Godhead ? A. By the Godhead is meant, the divine nature or essence. Q. 2.... | |
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