| Church of Scotland - Westminster Assembly - 1719 - 664 pages
...Anfw. God having out of his meer gpodPleafure from all Eternity eleóted fome to everl-afting Life k, did enter into a Covenant of Grace, to deliver them out of the Eftate of Sin and Xliiery^ ; anti t$. bring them into an Eftate of Salvation by a Rede^rier '. 19.... | |
| Assembly of divines shorter catech - 1743 - 368 pages
...Mifery ? A. God having out of his mere good PJeafure, from all Eternity elected fome to everlafting Life, did enter into a Covenant of Grace to deliver them out of the Eftate of Sin and Mifery, and to bring them into an Eftate of Salvation, by a Redeemer. Eternity. Before... | |
| Thomas Boston - 1755 - 318 pages
...Sin and Anj\ God having out of his mere good Pleafure, from all Eternity, elected iome to everlafting Life, did enter into a Covenant of Grace, to deliver them out of the Eftate of Sin and Mifery, and to bring them into an Eftate of Salvation by a Redeemer. .EXPLICAT 1,0... | |
| James Fisher - Westminster Assembly - 1764 - 312 pages
...? ANSW. God having, out of his mere good plea fu re, from all eternity, elefted ibme to everlafting life, did enter into a covenant of grace, to deliver them out of the eftate ot fin and milery, and to bring them into an eftate of falvation by a Redeemer. Queft. i. What... | |
| Church of Scotland - Presbyterianism - 1764 - 648 pages
...d. God having out of his mere pood Pleafure, from all Eternity, eledted Tome to everlafting Life k, did enter into a Covenant of Grace, to deliver them out of the Eftate of Sin and Mifery, and to bring them into an Eftate of Salvation by a Redeemer /. k Eph. i.... | |
| Assembly of divines confess. and catech - 1765 - 626 pages
...ЕрЬ» A. God having out of his mere good pleafure from all eternity elected fome to everlafting life k, did enter into a covenant of grace, to deliver them out of the eitate of fin and miiery, and to bring them into an cítate of falvation by a Redeemer /. Q^ 2 i .... | |
| Church of Scotland - Prebyterianism - 1768 - 576 pages
...? A. God having out of his mere good pleafure from all eternity elefted fome to everlaiting life k, did enter into a covenant of grace, to deliver them out of the eftate of fin and mifery,and to bring them into aneftate of falvationby a Redeemer/. Ç^ 2 ! . Who... | |
| John Flavel - Presbyterian Church - 1770 - 520 pages
...mifery ? A. God having out of his mere good plf&fure,from all eternity, tiefled fame to everlafting life, did enter into a covenant of grace, to deliver them out of the eftate of Jin and mifery ; and to bring them into an eflate of falvation by a Redeemer. Q_^ i . Are... | |
| Ralph Erskine - Bible - 1777 - 528 pages
...thus, ' God having out * of his mere good pleafure, from all eternity, elected * fome to everlafting life, did enter into a covenant of * grace, to deliver them out of the eftate of fm and * mifery, and to bring them into an eftate of falvation * by a Redeemer.' Hence fuch... | |
| John Willison - Catechisms - 1790 - 334 pages
...Mi/ery? A. God having out of his hiefe g"6od Pleafure, fr6nt all Eternity, elected fome to everlafting Life> did enter into a Covenant of Grace, to deliver them out of the Eftate of Sin and Mifery, and to "bring them into an Eftate of Salvation by a Redeemer. Q;_ Are all... | |
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